Akhirnyaaa bisa ngereview Hatomugi Skin Conditioner yg belakangan ini ak pake. Seneng bgt pas kemarin dapat kesempatan untuk nyoba produk ini dari KBJ. Secara uda bnyk blogger yg pake dan katanya emg bagus. Jadi penasaran pngn cobaa, dann ternytaaaaa ~~♡♡ sukaaa bgt.
Finally I can review Hatomugi Skin Conditioner that I used recently thesedays. I was so happy that I got a chance to try this product from KBJ, since there are already many bloggers had used this and said that this is really good product. So Im really excited to try this out and I lovee it so much ~~♡♡
Sebelum full review, ak jelasin dikit soal Hatomugi Skin Conditioner yah. Hatomugi Skin Conditioner merupakan skincare dari Jepang yg terkenal sebagai produk berupa toner yang mampu melembabkan dan mencerahkan kulit. Dengan kandungan coix seed atau tanaman jali yang efektif untuk mengunci kelembaban tubuh, mengurangi iritasi dan flek flek hitam serta perawatan jerawat. Bagusnya toner Hatomugi ini g cuma bisa dipakai diwajah aja tapi juga bisa untuk badan kita.
Before I give the full review, lemme explain a bit about Hatomugi Skin Conditioner. This is a Japanese skincare that known for as a toner that can moisturize and brighten our skin. It contains coix seed that effectively lock our skin moisture, reduce irritation and black spots also skin care for our acnes. This toner can be used not only for our face but also for our bodies.
Before I give the full review, lemme explain a bit about Hatomugi Skin Conditioner. This is a Japanese skincare that known for as a toner that can moisturize and brighten our skin. It contains coix seed that effectively lock our skin moisture, reduce irritation and black spots also skin care for our acnes. This toner can be used not only for our face but also for our bodies.
Botol bongsor dengan isi 500ml ini beneran bnyk bnget isinya, kayak g habis habis padahal uda tiap hari aku makenya. Kemasaanya berupa botol plastik bening sehingga kliatan bnyk produk yg tersisa yg ada di dalam botol. Produknya yg melimpah dengan harga terjangkau ini bener bener worth to try and buy bgt. Haha
This bottle is really big enough and contains 500ml product. I use this toner everyday but still too much product left in the bottle. Its really worth to buy and try product since it really generous in an affordable price. haha
Bagian botol belakang kayaknya berisi keterangan produk dengan tulisan Jepang haha g tau artinya. Dan bagian paling bawah ada ingredients dari Hatomugi ini. Sayang bgt yahh produk ini mengandung alkohol dan paraben γ
At the back bottle is written some information in Japanese and I dunno the meaning at all haha. At the bottom part is written the ingredient of this product. Such a shame that it contains alcohol and paraben γ
Hatomugi Skin Conditioner ini berupa cairan berwarna putih keruh seperti rendaman air beras yah menurutku. Produk ini free perfume jadi g ada bau baunya sama sekali kaya air biasa. Pas pake ini sebagai toner atau masker g kerasa lengket atau berminyak. Tonernya cepet meresap dikulit trus tetep kerasa lembut walopun uda bner bner kering.
The color of Hatomugi Skin Conditioner is milky white and the formula is watery. This product also free perfume so it doesnt have any scent and look like pure water. When using this product as a toner or mask, I dont feel sticky and oily at all. The toner absorb fastly in my skin and it moisturizes directly on my dry skin.
Ada keterangan dlam bahasa Indonesia manfaat atau kegunaan dari Hatomugi Skin Conditioner ini. Setelah pake Hatomugi Skin Conditioner memang beneran wajah q ngerasa lebih lembab meski cm pake toner ini aja tnpa memakai serum atau skin care lainnya.
There is also information written in Indonesian about the benefits after using Hatomugi Skin Conditioner. My skin really feels moist and glowy after using this product. Even I use this only without serum or any other skin care.
Kebetulan jg kemarin kemarin ak lg stop pake krim malam dan bikin wajah q kliatan kusam, tp setelah pake ini lumayan lah wajah q agak cerahan dikit. Ummn g langsung kliatan cerah yahh tp setelah bbrp.minggu pake ak ngerasa agak cerahan dikit.
When I stopped using night cream, my face is really dull and in a bad condition. But after used this, I felt that my face looked brighter. Umm this doesnt brighten directly, but after few weeks usage I feel the brighten effect on my face.
Selain itu ini jg efektif nenangin sma ngedinginin kemerahan diwajah q klo habis kepanasan kena sinar matahari. G tau yahh wajah q sensitif bgt kena panas dikit entah karena sinar matahari atau karena malu pasti lngsung pipi merah merah kayak kepiting rebus. Kalu habis keluar kena sinar matahari ak semprotin Hatomugi enak bgt rasanya.
Beside, this also efective to calm my redness down after facing the sun rays. I dunno why my face getting red easily. Usually I will use Hatomugi Skin Conditioner as a mist to calm my redness.
Cara pemakaiannya ada beberapa cara. Dibawah ini yg biasa ak terapkan cara pakai Hatomugi skin conditionernya.
There are some ways how to use this product. These are some ways that I used:
1. Sebagai toner atau pelembab
Biasanya ak pake ini sebagai toner sebelum memakai make up atau skincare. Bagusnya setelah pake ini makeup q jadi lebih dewy hasilnya XD. Caranya tuang Hatomugi skin conditioner dikapas trus diratain keseluruh wajah ato bisa jg tuang di telapak tangan trus tepuk tepuk ke wajah.
~♡ As a toner / Moisturizer
Usually I will use this as a toner before doing my make up or skincare. Thing that I like is my makeup has glowy finish after using this as a toner. Just pour enough of Hatomugi Skin Conditioner on a beauty cotton then spread it on all my face or pour it in our palm and tap tap lightly so it can absorb perfectly.
2. Mist Spray
Karena ak bekerja diruangan yg ber AC sering bgt wajahku ngerasa kering, jadi ak pindahin ke botol spray kecil biar bisa dibawa kemana mana. Kemarin dpt jg botol mini spray nya dari KBJ, jadi sekarang produk ini selalu ada di tas ku.
~♡ A Face Mist
Since I work in an aircon room , I feel that my face is getting dry easily. So I transfer Hatomugi Skin Conditioner in a spray bottle so I can use this anytime anywhere. This product become travel frinedly in a mini spray bottle, and I always bring this in my bag.
3. Masker wajah
Karena jarang ada waktu senggang ak jg jarang pake ini buat kompres wajah atau badan q, paling seminggu sekali pas weekend. Itu wajah q bukan habis oplas loh ya XD tp ak kompres pake kapas dengan Hatomugi skin conditioner haha. Kompres selama 5~10 menit klo udah lepas kapasnya trus pijat pijat wajahnya.
~♡ Face Mask
I dont have much free time recently, so Im rarely use this a face mask. Maybe only once a week on weekend.
Overall, ak suka yah sma Hatomugi Skin Conditioner. Cocok bgt dijadiin toner, karena lumayan melembabkan kulit q yg kering ini. Bahkan bisa ngalemin kemerahan akibat sinar matahari. Tapi sayang mengandung paraben.
♡ Moisturize
♡ Give glowy effect on my skin
♡ Brightening
♡ Travel friendly (in a spray bottle )
Hate :
☆ contains paraben
Hatomugi Skin Conditioner bisa dibeli di store berikut :
Kulit mu glowy banget shaay.. Btw hatomugi ini memang kayak ga abis abis cos banyak banget isinya
ReplyDeletehihi makasih kak Astiii ππ huum pdahal uda dituang berkali2 tp ttp masih bnyk haha
Deleteit looks like a good product~
yeah it is ^^~
DeleteMakasih ya buat reviewnya~ dr kemarin aku juga pengen coba produk ini tp ndak sempat aja hahaha^^
ReplyDeleteYou have such a pretty skin! °₊·Λ
ReplyDeleteBlog de la Licorne
jarang pake ini buat kompres wajah atau badan q,
ReplyDeletecoba kalau gak ada parabennya ya.. hhe
ReplyDeleteI do own a bottle of this unfortunately without its spraying bottle xD
ReplyDeleteI love how this is super affordable and it comes in a big bottle.
ieyra h. | beauty blog
Aku juga sukaaa banget sama si hatomugi ini >< Biasanya aku tetesin dia di masker tablet soalnya lebih gampang daripada pake kapas :)
ReplyDeleteNice review ya cantiiikkk <3
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ReplyDeletehatomugi skinnya bagus banget kak, aku suka cuma sanyang ada parabenya.
ReplyDeleteIhhhh, jadi pengen beliiii. Aku juga suka maskeran pakai kapas yang dikasih toner! Kayanya hatomugi ini bakal jadi next target buat dibeli hahahhaja