Hai semuanya , kali ini ak mau share review produk skincare favoritku bbrp bulan terakhir ini: TONYMOLY The Black Tea London Classic Toner. Yg follow akun ig ku pasti uda lihat bbrp kali aku post toner ini haha dan kali ini akhirnya aku bisa publish post nya XD
Hi everyone, now I'd like to share my favorite skincare review that I used recently these days: Yap its TonyMoly The Black Tea London Classic Toner. I had posted this toner several times on my Instagram account and finally I can publish the review right now XD
Hi everyone, now I'd like to share my favorite skincare review that I used recently these days: Yap its TonyMoly The Black Tea London Classic Toner. I had posted this toner several times on my Instagram account and finally I can publish the review right now XD
Awalnya aku g tertarik sama sekali buat nyoba skincare TonyMoly dari line Black Tea London Classic ini, tp kebetulan lg pngen restock toner akhirnya ak coba beli sample nya di Testerkorea. Walopun sample tp ukurannya kayak full size lohh XD gilakk mayan bgt.
At first, I wasnt interested at all to try this toner from TonyMoly Black Tea London Classic Skincare line. But since I wanna restock some toner, finally I put this toner on my basket when shopping at Testerkorea. I bought the sample size, because I'm still not sure if this toner is good or not. Though its in sample size, its really big enough and almost the same with a full size amount.
At first, I wasnt interested at all to try this toner from TonyMoly Black Tea London Classic Skincare line. But since I wanna restock some toner, finally I put this toner on my basket when shopping at Testerkorea. I bought the sample size, because I'm still not sure if this toner is good or not. Though its in sample size, its really big enough and almost the same with a full size amount.
Packagingnya berbentk botol plastik tebal dengan nuansa warna coklat yang berkesan elegan dan kokoh. Kayak yg udah aku bilang td meskipun cuma sample tp isinya lmyn bnyak, 140ml mayan bnyk bgt kan. Sample rasa fullsize nih mah kwkwkw XD karena full size nya aja cma 180ml
It comes in a thick sturdy brown bottle. It looks so elegant and sturdy. As I said before, with 140ml is really a generous amount for sample size XD since the full size is 180ml.
Setelah aku lihat di webnya, packaging full size sama sample nya ternyta beda. Untuk fullsize packagingnya berbentuk pump sedangkan untk sample cuma dengan tutup ulir aja. Ada penutup segel dari plastik di dalamnya, jd ga bakalan gamang tumpah isinya misal dalam posisi digulingin botolnya.
Comparing between the sample and full size, they have different packaging. The full size comes in a pump bottle, while the sample only comes in a screw cap packaging. There is plastic seal cap inside, so it wont spill out when the bottle rolled over.
Tekstur tonernya oil-watery menurutku, gmana yah njelasinnya. Konsistensi cairannya itu kayak minyak tp ga lengket dan lebih ke watery. Agak kental kaya essence atau serum menurutku. Dan aku suka bgt tekstur toner yg kayak gini, soalnya gampang meresap dikulit tp ada efek glowing dan lembab dkulit. Toner ini jg ada bau herbal teh hitam yang g terlalu mengganggu, karna akan langsng hilang setelah meresap dikulit.
The texture is oil-watery in my opinion, umm is a lil bit confusing to explain it haha. It has oil consistency but doesnt sticky ummm its more watery. Its thick watery, like essence or serum texture. And I really love this kind of toner, because its absorb easily on my skin, also give glowing and moisturizing effect on me. It has herbal black tea scent, and will disapear after applying on the skin.
Toner ini mengandung lebih dari 82% ekstrak teh hitam, dan beberaa bahan penting lainnya seperti Polyphenols ( kaya akan antioksidan yg menangkal bahaya UVA dan UVB, juga meningkatkan pertumbuhan sel kulit ) , Tannins ( Antioksidan alami yang mengurangi tanda-tanda penuaan ) ,Vitamin B2, Vitamin C & E ( Mencegah kerusakan radikal bebas dan menjaga kulit tetap awet muda ).
Ekstrak teh hitam sendiri punya banyk manfaat buat kulit kita, yaitu mengandung antioksidan yang membantu kulit kita menjadi elastis dan lembut, dan juga mencerahkan skin tone kulit kita. Dan karna kandngan teh hitamnya, toner ini bisa menghambat timbulnya keriput dan bikin keliatan awet muda. Mau dong yahh XD aku yg udah tante tante ini mau bgt kliatan awet muda trus hahha XD
This toner containing over 82% of the fermented black tea extract and other important ingredients, such as Polyphenols ( Rich in antioxidants, protecting the skin against ultraviolet radiation and enhancing skin cell growth ) , Tannins ( Natural antioxidants that reduce the signs of aging ), Vitamin B2, Vitamin C & E ( Prevents free radical damage and keeps skin looking youthful ).
The black tea extract itself has so many benefit for our skin, which is containing antioxcidant that helps skin elasticity and moisture issues while also working to brighten the complexion. It also fights wrinkles and free radicals that may accelerate signs of aging and make our skin look youthful and radiant.
Dan bener banget setelah beberapa hari, sekitar hampir semingguan pake toner ini aku suka bgt hasilnya XD Aku pake siang dan malam dengan skincare lain dan ak ngerasa emang muka ku lebih elastis, kenyal dan lembut bgt. Aku juga lihat ada efek mencerahkan setelah pake toner ini. Ga ada break-out atau jerawatan sama sekali setelah pake toner ini.
Im so happy that this toner work really well on my skin. After using this toner for several days, I really love the result. I've been using this day and night along with other skincares and I feel that my face is more supple and moist. I also see the brighten effect on my skin after sing this toner. I dont get any breakot or other skin problems at all.
Biasanya cm pake 2-3 tetes dan cukup buat semuka. Bisa pake kapas atau tangan buat apply dimuka, kalo ak lebih suka pake tangan Tekstur tonernya gampang menyerap dikulit dan ga lengket sama sekali. Buat kulit ku yg normal-kering, toner ini cocok bgt buatku, beneran ngehidrasi dan ngelembab'in mukaku. Dan buat yg punya oily skin, masih bisa pake ini sih menurutku, soalnya gmpng menyera dikulit.
Usually I only take 2 -3 drops and its enouhg for my whole face. We can use cotton pad or only apply with our palm hands, for me I prefer using my hands. Its really suitable for my natural-dry skin, its really hydrating and moisturizing my dry skin. I think for you who have oily skin, still can use this toner because it absorbs to the skin easily without greasy effect.
Dan klaim di web resminya Tonymoly, toner ini memberi nutrisi kulit kita trus pny efek buat lebih nyerap skincare yg mau kita pake selanjutnya. Makanya hasilya akan lebih maksimal klo kita g cuma pake toner ini doang. Tapi kadang kalo lg weekend dirumah karna g pergi kmn2 dan males apply skincare berlapis- lapis, ak cma pake toner ini pagi sma malam sblm tidur. Tanpa dilapisin skincare lain pun, toner ini udah bikin kulit ku kerasa lembut dan kenyal XD. (jgn ditiru yah XD )
From their web, it claims taht this toner nourishes and preps the skin to better absorb for our next skincare steps. So it will give maximm result if it following with other skincares.
Overall, suka bgt sama toner ini , bikin hasil makeup ku lebih glowing walopun pake cushion matte, ak kasih rating 9/10. knp ga 10? soalnya mahal tonernya kwkwk XD tp ak bakal repurchase kok XD hahha