Monday, August 23, 2021


SKIN1004 Madagascar Centella Ampoule review that I proudly share this to all of you. Finally I can try this popular ampoule from SKIN1004. Im so excited to try this, i have high expectation about this ampoule and yeah it works well on me. Next I would definitely try the toner to use along with this. 

Seneng banget akhirnya bisa cobain Madagascar Centella Ampoule, produk yg paling laris buat di repurchase sama orang2 ๐Ÿฅฐ. Tipe kulit aku ini kering - sensitif, apalagi selama pandemi ini yang diwajibkan pakai masker terus, bikin kulit muka aku gampang iritasi/ jerawatan. Dan ternyata ampoule nya ini cocok di muka ku yang sensitif ini. Nanti aku juga bakalan coba juga Madagascar Centella Toner nya. 

แ™̤̫ ๐—ฃ๐—ฟ๐—ผ๐—ฑ๐˜‚๐—ฐ๐˜ ๐—œ๐—ป๐—ณ๐—ผ

It comes in thick clear brown glass bottle with pipette as the applicator. The pipette itself is really unique, it designed to make it easy when we apply the ampoule. 

Box luarnya ini lain dari packaging yg biasanya, ini tuh rasanya lembut bgt pas dipegang, bukan yang licin gitu. Ampoule nya sendiri dikemas dalam botol kaca coklat yang transparan. Dengan tutup dan aplikator pipet untung mengambil ampoule nya. Ujung pipet nya jg unik dy agak bengkok sedikit gitu di ujungnya. 

This ampoule is formulated to calm the sensitive skin and strengthen the skin barrier. This ampoule also suitable for acne-prone skin type.

Ampoule ini diformulasikan untuk menenangkan kulit sensitif dan memperkuat skin barrier kita. Dan pastinya ampoule ini juga cocok banget dipake untuk yang punya tipe kulit acne-prone. 

It has rich non-sticky watery texture and pretty easy to absorb into the skin. It moisturize directly after touch and absorb into my skin. It doesn’t have any strong scent which is very good for people who are sensitive with fragrances. 

Ampule ini punya tekstur yang watery dan tidak lengket, sehingga mudah meresap di kulit. Efek melembabkan juga langsung terasa setelah diaplikasikan. Ampoule nya jg tidak ada bau sama sekali jadi aman banget buat orang yg sensitif dengan aroma.

แ™̤̫ ๐—œ๐—ป๐—ด๐—ฟ๐—ฒ๐—ฑ๐—ถ๐—ฒ๐—ป๐˜๐˜€

This is a calming ampoule with 100% CENTELLA ASIATICA EXTRACT ( from Madagascar) for sensitive skin. 

It also has slightly acidic formula to create a protective layer around the skin to maintain the PH balance of the skin.

Bahan utama dari ampoule ini adalah 100% Centella Asiatica ekstrak dari Madagascar yang khusus diformulasikan untuk kulit sensitif. 

แ™̤̫ ๐—ฃ๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐—ณ๐—ผ๐—ฟ๐—บ๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ฐ๐—ฒ

I used this for my am pm routine, Im really surprised how this calms my sensitive skin, no more redness. The plus point is that my skin barrier/ skin condition seems a lot better. In the first week Im only using this ampoule alone for my am pm skincare. It gives enough hydration and doesn’t cause any breakout. 

Hasil setelah pemakaian rutin sebagai skincare pagi dan malam, bener bener bisa menenangkan kulitku yang iritasi, ga ada lagi kemerahan. Poin tambahannya lagi, aku merasa kondisi kulit atau skin barrier ku terlihat lebih baik. Selama minggu pertama aku hanya memakai ampoule ini untuk skincare rutin ku. Ampoule ini dapat memberikan kelembaban yang cukup juga tidak ada breakouts muncul sama sekali. 

แ™̤̫ ๐—›๐—ผ๐˜„ ๐—œ ๐˜‚๐˜€๐—ฒ ๐˜๐—ต๐—ถ๐˜€ ๐—ฎ๐—บ๐—ฝ๐—ผ๐˜‚๐—น๐—ฒ

♡สพสพ Put an appropriate amount (2-3drops) and apply gently and tap tap with my palms. For extra hydration usually I apply 2-3layers.

♡สพสพ MY DAILY CALMING TIP: at night sometimes I used this as soothing mask, by soaking this ampoule in a cotton pad, leave on my skin for about 5-10 minutes when my irritated skin needs calming.

Thanks for @gopicky  @pickyrewards @skin1004official

Wednesday, August 11, 2021



Some people from young age to eldery are still afraid to go to dentist and dont care about their oral health. Thats why it makes oral health become worse. For me oral health is pretty important, not only go to dentist we can do dental care at home too for more caring activity.


So here Im going to introduce you a great online site which provides dental care and dental accessories: MEYARN ( Modern, Enjoyable, Young, Active, Royal, New ).  They aim to bring new trends of healthy oral care with ease, pleasure, and new luxury quality. Change the stereotype of traditional oral care and eliminate the fear of traditional dental medicine in a simple and relaxed way.

There are many dental care products available at MEYARN : Orthodontics, Whitening & Cleaning and Oral Health.

If you are using braces you can find many orthodontics care products here. There are toothbrush, floss threader, a proxy brush and wax. These are some of their best selling products.

It designed for tight gaps that go between the inside of your teeth and gum to reduce plaque. The angled handle can target hard-to-reach spots around braces and dental implants. The L-shaped designed for easy access to oral molars for deep cleaning of posterior teeth. The bristle also pretty soft and comfortable to use. It can bend easily and durable.

Your braces teeth needed wax to protect your cheeks from the screws and gears on your teeth. Braces can scratch your mouth and cause dental ulcers. The wax will make your orthodontic treatment more enjoyable. This protective wax from MEYARN are easy to use and have a long time to use.​ It is easy to put it where you need it, and you can take it out after eating.

For their whitening and cleaning care products, you can buy water flusser, teeth whitening pen,
By using them which are very effective ways to naturally whiten your teeth without destroying your enamel or save lot money.

Meyarn water flosser is packed in a cute white bag with a detailed manual. BestCordless water flosser is designed for travel anywhere, use in showers and small bathrooms. It comes in 3 different nozzles for different needs : Standard ( daily cleaning) , orthodontic ( braces cleaning ), and dental plaque nozzles ( implants, bridges and crown cleaning ).
The sleek, very modern looking makes it easy to display and keep. Its very light and easy to use aswell.

Super cheap and easy way to whiten teeth. This tooth whiteners wont make your teeth sensitive as its contains safe ingredients and 100% vegan.  Its very compact and portable as it’s just pen-sized so You can take it anywhere. Using 1-2 times a day for ten 14 days can increase your teeth whitening by 3-5 VITA levels.

For another oral care health I will suggest you to buy these product from MEYARN. This product also become their best seller product.

If you have severe teeth grinding and misaligned teeth, this is the perfect product for you.
Designed according to oral anatomy. Meet different needs of dental arch shapes. You can wear it directly without shaping.
It’s super comfortable and not bulky at all. The tooth pad just covers the back teeth, which is where you need it most.

What do you think? Find your perfect dental care products at MEYARN. They are having Summer Promotion on their website now, by using CODE: SUMMER10 for 10% off discount.