Women are most likely to develop Osteoporosis, especially women over the age of 50. Women tend to have smaller, and thinner bones than men, men also get osteoporosis but its less common happened. So to prevent the osteoporosis in advance, as women we should do some things to build healthy bones.
Here are some example things we can do :
1. Eat lots of vegetables and consume enough protein
2. Eat High-calcium food throughout the day
3. Get plenty of vitamin D and K
What is DEXA Scan? A DEXA ( Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry ) Scan measures bone, fat and muscle in our body. It uses X-ray technology to determine the distribution of lean muscle, fat, water and bone in our body. Unlike any other body composition measuring tool, DEXA results are highly accurate and highly reproducible. The scanner uses the information to create a details map of our body and measure our Body Composition & Bone Density.
DEXA Scan gives us the most precise information about our body fat, muscle and bone composition and lets us track changes in body composition over time. Mostly Fitness enthusiasts, athletes and dieter often use body composition scan to measure their progress.
DEXA Scan also gives us precise measurements of fat and muscle distributed around our body. See muscle asymmetry that we need to correct to reduce injuries. And track potentially dangerous visceral fat around our vital organs.
DEXA also helps us monitor our weight loss progress. The scan lets us see and track how much body fat we are actually losing, and how much muscle we are gaining.
A Bone Densitometry test is used to measure how strong our bones are. It is commonly used to identify osteoporosis, a condition that causes a decrease in the density of bones resulting in fragility, and to determine a person’s risk for developing fractures.
As women which are mostly 4x more to develop osteoporosis and have high risk bone fractures as well. Bone density peaks at age 30 and then decreases over time. We need pay attention more about it.
Here I will talk more about Bone Density, since I'm focusing about high risk of osteoporosis for women and how to prevent/ monitor it.
When to take the DEXA BONE DENSITY SCAN?
But its not allowed to get a scan for young people under 18, pregnant women, and a total of 4x Dexa Scan in the past year. But however if you are breastfeeding mom, its safe to get the scan.
For tracking bone density (osteoperosis screening), the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force recommends routine screening for all women over-65. The test is also recommended for women under-65 with additional risk factors. The scan is typically repeated every two years.
DEXA is today’s established standard for measuring bone mineral density (BMD) and is most often performed on the spine, hips or forearm.
Step 1 : If you are at a risk of osteoporosis, talk and ask your doctor about scheduling a bone density scan
Step 2 : Your doctor will recommend a nearby Dexa Scan provider that is covered by your health insurance.
Step 3 : Schedule an appointment for the scan and an additional appointment with your doctor to discuss the results.
Step 4 : Dont take calcium supplements for at least 24 hours before the exam and wear comfortable clothes ( avoid wearing clothes with metal zippers or hooks).
Step 5 : On the scanning day. Unlike an MRI or a CT scan, you will not have to lie in a closed off tunnel. You'll lie on an open table as a wand hovers over your body. The machine is quick and will not make loud noises. Lay flat on the scanning bed for roughly 10 to 20 minutes
Step 6 : The result is available immediately after the test. Discuss the results with the health care provider.
The average price of a DEXA Scan for Bone Dencity is around $200 ( Prices may vary considerably based on insurance and deductible ). Generally prices are considerably cheaper in out-patient diagnostic facilities than hospital based facilities. Use DEXA Scan locator to find the nearer location and the cost of DEXA Scan.
DEXA Scan also gives us precise measurements of fat and muscle distributed around our body. See muscle asymmetry that we need to correct to reduce injuries. And track potentially dangerous visceral fat around our vital organs.
DEXA also helps us monitor our weight loss progress. The scan lets us see and track how much body fat we are actually losing, and how much muscle we are gaining.
A Bone Densitometry test is used to measure how strong our bones are. It is commonly used to identify osteoporosis, a condition that causes a decrease in the density of bones resulting in fragility, and to determine a person’s risk for developing fractures.
As women which are mostly 4x more to develop osteoporosis and have high risk bone fractures as well. Bone density peaks at age 30 and then decreases over time. We need pay attention more about it.
Here I will talk more about Bone Density, since I'm focusing about high risk of osteoporosis for women and how to prevent/ monitor it.
When to take the DEXA BONE DENSITY SCAN?
- Are female and older than 65
- Are female, menopausal or post menopausal and:
- Under the age of 45
- Under the age of 65 with other risk factors
- Not taking estrogen
- Over 5 feet 7 inches tall
- Weigh less than 125 pounds
- Are male and older than 70
- Are male and have clinical conditions associated with bone loss
- Have broken a bone over the age of 50
- Have lost more than an inch of height
- Have unexplained back pain
- Have personal or family history of:
- Hip Fracture
- Smoking
- Osteoporosis
- Use medications that are known to cause bone loss (including corticosteroids such as Prednisone, various anti-seizure medications such as Dilantin and certain barbiturates or high-dose thyroid replacement drugs)
- Have Type I Diabetes, Liver Disease or Kidney Disease
- High bone turnover (shows up in the form of excessive collagen in urine samples)
- Thyroid condition, such as Hyperthyroidism.
- Parathyroid condition, such as Hyperparathyroidism.
- Experienced a fracture after only mild trauma.
- X-ray evidence of vertebral fracture or other signs of osteoporosis
- Are a heavy drinker
But its not allowed to get a scan for young people under 18, pregnant women, and a total of 4x Dexa Scan in the past year. But however if you are breastfeeding mom, its safe to get the scan.
For tracking bone density (osteoperosis screening), the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force recommends routine screening for all women over-65. The test is also recommended for women under-65 with additional risk factors. The scan is typically repeated every two years.
DEXA is today’s established standard for measuring bone mineral density (BMD) and is most often performed on the spine, hips or forearm.
Step 1 : If you are at a risk of osteoporosis, talk and ask your doctor about scheduling a bone density scan
Step 2 : Your doctor will recommend a nearby Dexa Scan provider that is covered by your health insurance.
Step 3 : Schedule an appointment for the scan and an additional appointment with your doctor to discuss the results.
Step 4 : Dont take calcium supplements for at least 24 hours before the exam and wear comfortable clothes ( avoid wearing clothes with metal zippers or hooks).
Step 5 : On the scanning day. Unlike an MRI or a CT scan, you will not have to lie in a closed off tunnel. You'll lie on an open table as a wand hovers over your body. The machine is quick and will not make loud noises. Lay flat on the scanning bed for roughly 10 to 20 minutes
Step 6 : The result is available immediately after the test. Discuss the results with the health care provider.
The average price of a DEXA Scan for Bone Dencity is around $200 ( Prices may vary considerably based on insurance and deductible ). Generally prices are considerably cheaper in out-patient diagnostic facilities than hospital based facilities. Use DEXA Scan locator to find the nearer location and the cost of DEXA Scan.
DEXA Scan is amazing device. I like fact that you can scan your bones and body conditions. Sometimes I'm really impressed where technology comes. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteNew Post - http://www.exclusivebeautydiary.com/2019/06/clinique-moisture-surge-72-hour-auto_20.html
yeah Dexa Scan is very helpful aswell
DeleteI didn't know about it so thanks for the info, very interesting!
ur welcome
DeleteLovely informative post.
thanks, glad its a helpful post for u
DeleteThis is one of the newest innovative tech that being developed nowadays. This prop can measure our bone mineral density without going to the hospital or other medical clinic. However, we should watch out while using it.
ReplyDeleteyeah still few things tht we need to pay attention bfor take the scan
DeleteWaktu ku diet dulu ku sering menghitung body composition, ya tulang, ya lemak, masa tubuh, dll. Boleh juga nih dexa scan. Btw disini sudah ada belum ya treatment ini dan harganya pasti mehong kalaupun ada
ReplyDeletedexa scan ini jg berguna bgt buat yg lg diet ya beb
DeleteReally imoprtant post, have a lovely week:)
ReplyDeleteBaru tau mengenai DEXA ini beb hehe masi awam banvet. Makasi banyak untuk infonya yah jd tau hal mengenai dexa scan ink
ReplyDeleteak jg baru tau, stlah banyak baca dan cari info jd tau bnyk kegunaan dexa scan
DeleteGreat info!! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteLesley Kim
thanks for stopping by
DeleteTengkyu ka buat sharing soal DEXA ini yang berkaitan dengan pengecekan komposisi tulang pada usia lansia ya, dengan syarat salah satunya sudah tidak aktif kandungan estrogen nya
ReplyDeleteiya buat memonitor / ngecek yg rawan osteoporosis
DeletePas banget untuk Mama sama Ibuku.
ReplyDeleteSecara orang sepuh ini keluhannya tulang, sendi dan kawan-kawannya.
Sering sedih kalau Mama bilang susah bangun dari duduk karena mesti ekstra hati-hati.
sama, nenekku jg udah bnyk ngeluh susah bangun , :(
DeleteApa perawatan DEXA ini ada di setiap pelayanan Rumah Sakit?
Deletewah menarik nih topik yang km bahas.. memang sih kita harus jaga kesehatan selagi masih muda.
ReplyDeleteiya bner bgt beb
DeleteMemang penting sekali ya untuk menjaga kesehatan selagi masih muda karena memang sebaiknya mencegah daripada mengobati ya
ReplyDeleteiya bner mba, klo sudah tau pun pake dexa scan biar tetep terpantau hehe
Deletebaru tau nih aku soal dexa scan, menarik banget ya karna bisa scan sampe ketulang tulang
ReplyDeleteiya beb
DeleteLhoalah. Aku belum 65 tahun tapi kok tertarik nyobain ya :"") Boleh kah masih 20an ikut scan juga? hehehe
ReplyDeleteboleh, kn udah disebutin di atas XD ini jg bagus buat org yg lagi diet
Deleteaku jadi pengen cobain, soalnya menjelang 40 kok rasanya udah mulai butuh di scan biar tahu apa aja yang perlu di perhatikan, soalnya keluhannya udah banyak nih wkwkwkk
ReplyDeleteiya ci, biar bisa di monitor gitu kan yah ^^
DeleteCanggihnyaaa, bisa nih dicoba. Saya baru tau soal DEXA Scan ini mbak, kalau buat pertama pakai amankah apa perlu dikonsultasikan ke dokter? Pengen rekomendasiin deh ke keluarga. Siapa tau ada yg butuh
ReplyDeletebaiknya konsul sma dokter dulu mba
DeleteThis is so interesting and helpful I must do my scan Thanks darling xoxo Cris
ur wc dear ^^
Deletebaca ini langsung inget ibu mertua yang keluhannya dan diagnosa dokter lebih ke tulang mungkin bisa dicoba pake Scan Dexa ya mba jadi pengen rekomendasiin ini karena udah bolak balik dokter tapi ga berhenti keluhannya sama. infonya penting nih
ReplyDeleteiya mba, bisa konsul sama dokternya dulu butuh dexa scan ato ga gitu ^^
DeleteKhusus cewek aja berarti beb dexa scan ini. Dan ada larangannya juga ya untuk orang2 tertentu. Ku kira bisa semua umur lho hehe
ReplyDeletecowok jg bisa beb,
DeleteInteresting article this I just read here in your blog, I am following your articles a few days and are many interesting information I liked.
thanks so much, that my posts are useful for you ^^
DeleteThe treatment is so good for check our body health, & make it well π i think i wanna try it too
ReplyDeleteyeah, it is ^^
Deletejust found out there is this Dexa bone density scan. It's good too, so we can know the health of our bone structure, because getting older will certainly affect the condition of our bones as well
ReplyDeleteyeah Dexa Scan may helpful for us, especially when we have problem about our bones' health and etc.
DeleteThats the first time i know about Dexa bone density scan. Very interesting and thats the good information for me :)
ReplyDeleteI'm interesting to do that and know about the result. Hope everything okayy ;)
talk with your doctor first before geting the scan ^^
Deleteso innovative and interesting to try this one when I'm no longer young another time ya beb, it will be so useful for me in 60 something age :)
ReplyDeletein early age maybe useful beb ^^
Deleteosteoporosis jadi penyakit yang menakutkan juga untuk perempuan, aq lihat mamaku juga sudah melakukan pencegahan dengan rajin meminum susu tinggi calcium, dan aq kayanya akan niru mama juga di usia yang dianjurkan, dexa scan aq baru tahu juga, apakah ini semacam terapi yang harus rutin dilakukan ?
ReplyDeletemalah ga boleh rutin mba, ini cm bua ngecek keadaan tulang nya
DeleteAku jadi pengen juga nyobain scan kekuatan tulang nih, jadi benar-benar kita harus waspada sama osteoporosis
ReplyDeletehehe iya mbak
Deletebisa buat rekomendasi yg sudah berumur ya kak, ketika osteoporosis mengancam hehe
ReplyDeleteiya mba , ^^
DeleteThis is actually amazing now that we have have this so we will know everything before it's too late.
yeah, also we can still check the latest condition of our bones.
DeleteEstupendo post! Gracias por la visita! π€π€π€
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info! :)
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ur wc ^^
DeleteThis is very nice
thank you ^^
DeleteSuch a great way to check up on your body with fast results.
yeah it is ^^
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ReplyDeletethanks for sopping by ^^
ReplyDeleteWow, Interesting post. Healthy is very important.
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Wah baru tahu ada teknologi body scan seperti ini. Terutama nih biar kita bisa deteksi dini juga osteoporosis.