Hello, I wish all of you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Happy holiday everyone ^^. Im being productive on this long holiday yayy, so I have so much time to write some product reviews hehe. But today I wont post about beauty related, this is a sponsor post but also an informative article for US and especially for my friends. Recently, my newlywed friends and I talk about pregnancy in a group chat. They felt some pregnancy symptoms but still not sure whether they're pregnant or not. And yeah I cant give any advice or information to share with my friends since I dont have any experience about pregnancy hahah. So one of my friend who already has a baby, suggest them to do a pregnancy test, but since probably they are in early pregnancy the result wont be too accurate. So here is an article how to know that you are pregnant from Check Pregnancy.
Most women notice pregnancy symptoms as soon as they get
pregnant. But not everyone has these symptoms. Some get to know they are
pregnant after a month or taking a test. If you suspect that you are pregnant,
there are several ways to find out. You can do it yourself or go to your
Identify early signs
Knowing the first signs of pregnancy can help to know if you
are pregnant. One must have sexual intercourse to be pregnant. In that case, it
is necessary to know when you last had sex. This includes considering the kind
of sex you had; was it unprotected or protected? If you it was not protected
chances of getting pregnant are high. It takes up to ten days after having sex
for a fertilized egg to begin implantation. However, taking a test at this time
may not prove your pregnancy.
Missed period
This is common. It is even misunderstood by women because
once a woman misses her period, the first thing that comes to mind is
pregnancy. Although a missed period could indicate that you are pregnant, women
miss their periods on some occasions. That is why it is vital for any woman to
keep a record of the last of her period.
Take a pregnancy test
The most effective method to confirmyour pregnancy is by taking a test. Taking the test after a
missed period can be useful as the results are likely to be more accurate. You
purchase a pregnancy test kit at your nearest drug store. They are usually
found together with the family planning products. The test is usually performed
early in the morning just after waking up. If the result is negative, that
means you are not pregnant. But if it is positive, you are expectant.
Do you have mood
Normally pregnancy chances can cause you to have mood swings.
One time you are crying the next you are euphoric. However, not everyone gets
these mood swings during the early stages of pregnancy. If you find yourself
shouting or snapping at your friends, it could be a sign you are pregnant.
Sore breast
If you thought your breasts only change in the late stages
of pregnancy, you are wrong. Nipples can become sensitive and sore and feel
heavy soon after you conceive. Such breasts could indicate that you are
Most women feel fatigued, and they don’t even realize they
are pregnant until when they take a test or so. If you feel like you are
exhausted, you could be pregnant. The fatigue can be as a result of the extra
pregnancy hormone, progesterone. Although this symptom ought to go away in the second
trimester, it is likely to begin yet again during the third trimester.
Pregnancy is the most exciting period for any mother. But it
can be horrible when it is not planned for and happens to the wrong couple. If
that happens, you can decide to have a test online or with your doctor.

See yaa ~~~ on my next post ^^