It has been long time I didnt write lenses review. Actually last year I had purchased and tried many kind of lenses but I was too lazy to write some reviews haha sorry. So this year, will be more diligent and write many lens reviews ✨
The lenses I wanna review today are from Dream Color Lens the Galaxy series. There are 3 kind of lenses in this series: Starwars, Leia and Jedi ( all are the characters name in Starwars movie ). But I only purchased 2 pairs of lens which are Starwars and Leia.
Origin: South Korea
Brand: Dreamcon
Base Curve: 8.6mm
Diameter: 14.5mm
Water Content: 42%
Life Span: 6 months
Power: 0 ~ -6.00
Lens Description:

The lenses come in a vial bottle and a pretty design sticker around the bottle. As I always mention on my lens review post. Dont use the lenses directly after opening from the vial bottle. Make sure to soak the lenses into new lens liquid solution first for about 8hours.

Color and Pattern

I has very pretty color and pattern, that represent its name " Starwars " . The stars pattern in the middle lens are pretty adorable. But it only available in grey color but not that vivid when wearing in my eyes. The stars pattern also less visible from a far, but when we look them closer the stars patterns will be more noticeable.
Since the color turnout to be natural color, its safe to wear them for daily. Its just too difficult for me to choose the correct side haha since the outer and inner color lens are almost the same.

Its comfortable when first time wearing this lens, I dont feel irritate at all. The lens is very soft ( look like gel lens type ) and its thin so I feel dont use any lens at all. It still feel comfortable to wear them upto 6-8hours but I usually still drops lens solution in every 2 hours to keep he lens moist and dont dry in the eyes. Since I feel dry after 4/5 hours wearing the lenses.
With 14,5mm diameter, the lenses dont give big enlargement. Also the Starwars Lens has light brown outer ring, so it makes the lenses dont give big eyes effect.

With 14,5mm diameter, the lenses dont give big enlargement. Also the Starwars Lens has light brown outer ring, so it makes the lenses dont give big eyes effect.

Color and Pattern

The Leia lens also has pretty color and pattern. Its 3tones color lenses: blue, violet and brown colors. I really love the blue color in the lenses, it makes my eyes pop up more than wearing the Starwars Lens. This lens is more noticeable comparing with the Starwars lens so I think its perfect for hangout only, but its still okay to use daily for me.

For the comfortableness, this lenses are the same with the starwars lens. It can last longer up to 8 hours with lens solution drops to keep from dryness.

It doesn't give enlargement effect as well.
Anw I will host a circle lens Giveaway on my Instagram account ( @torichux3 ) to win 1 pair of Dream Color Lens ~ Galaxy Series. Please stay tuned on my IG feed for the update ^^
Anw I will host a circle lens Giveaway on my Instagram account ( @torichux3 ) to win 1 pair of Dream Color Lens ~ Galaxy Series. Please stay tuned on my IG feed for the update ^^

See yaaaa~~~ on my next post ^^

The gray lens is nice and bright. Does not look striking and looks natural.
ReplyDeleteyeah the starwars is super pretty π✨
DeleteSuch a nice review! :)
ReplyDeleteShoot for the stars | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Facebook page | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Instagram
thanks dear π
DeleteAll the lenses you tried are very pretty
ReplyDeletei never tried these kind of lenses but i'd love to :D
My blog - Lalabetterdayz
worth to try, they are so pretty in real ✨ππ»
DeleteWhoa, these lenses have such a cool effect!
yeah they are π✨
DeleteThe packaging looks sooo cute!! :D
yeah , thanks ππ»✨
DeleteAku tuh kalau lihat orang pakai lens itu kok lucu dan suka mupeng banget pake tape gak berani even pakai eyeliner aja masih perlu kekuatan soalnya air mata gampang banget bercucuran. Hiks
ReplyDeleteklo g brani jgn pake , tp sekali2 coba deh ππ»π bgus kok hehe
Deleteseandainya aku bisa pakai softlens :( aku tu pengen banget bisa pakai tapi ga berani, pas mau pake selalu merem sendiri
ReplyDeletedulu awal awal ak jg gitu π tp skrg uda terbiasa
DeleteSampai skarang aku belum pernah pakai softlens. Padahal pengen banget nyobain karna kadang ngerasa capek pakai kacamata. Ini bagus sekali softlensnya :)
ReplyDeletecoba aja dulu, sapa tau cocok hehe
DeleteDuuh dr dulu pengen cobain dreancolor softlens ini cm belom kesampean. Aku suka banget warna warna nya di kamu beb. Jd pengen coba.
ReplyDeletedream color lmyn nyaman dipake dn bnyk jenisnya, worth to try hehe
Deleteaku suka lensa dari dreamcolor rata-rata nyaman dimata, yang warna gray bagus di matamu beb cocok banget
ReplyDeletebner bgt, nyamn dipake makanya ak skrg suka pake dream color ππ»✨
DeleteVery cute packaging! You are so beautiful. Have a great day!
thanks a bunch ✨π
DeleteAku belum pernah pakai softlens sekalipun sih beb, cuma jadi kepo setiap org pada review softlens jadi pengen ikutan pake juga~♡
ReplyDeletecoba tamii sapa tau cocok kan jd bis pake softlens trus π✨
DeleteSuka banget sama yang Starwars, bikin mata bling bling gitu bagaikan bintang di langit. Cuma kalau yang varian satunya lagi aku kurang cocok beb karena bikin mata aku terlihat lebih kecil dan jadi serem gitu. Hihihi. Tapi kalau di kamu bagus banget lhooo kelihatan stunning!
ReplyDeleteyg starwars bgs bgt emg π hahah iya yg leia agak serem ya soalnya bikin mata malah jd kecil π’
DeleteSumpahhhh mauk banget!! Aku dr dulu uda pake soflense karena kl pake kacamata suka lupa hahaha , btw si soflense ini yg aku mauk bgt dr lama tp blm ada kesempatan beli karena minusnya yg aku nggak ada huhu
ReplyDeleteikutan giveawaynya beb sapa tau menang kn hehe
DeleteSebenarnya ya kalau kerjaan aku saat ini masuk ke kategori yang gak harus selalu formal, aku bakalan check out yang starwars karena udah lama banget di keranjang shopee.
ReplyDeleteJadi akhir2 ini aku pakai softlens yang natural banget, bosen sih.
Softlens Thailand (padahal Made in Korea ya) emang pada nyaman2 dan harganya juga terjangkau banget ^^
Eh, btw aku baru sadar kamu udah TLD ��������
ak jg bosen pake yg natural malah seringnya pake kcmata klo krja jadiny hhaha
Deleteiy nih baru sebulan ini uda TLD haha
Warna soft lensenya cantik & menarik sekali. aku udah lamaaaa banget gak pake softlense lagi
ReplyDeleteiya ptternya unik dn lucu ✨π
Deleteyaampun cantik2 banget ya beb warnanya, aku suka semuanya, aku tuh suka banget softlens warna2 cerah gini dengan motif yang cantik-cantik, bikin makeup keliatan lebih cute :D
ReplyDeletesma beb hhaha ak suka yg patternya unik dan cantik gini π✨
DeleteKok warnanya cakep-cakep banget sih ini, aku suka banget liatnya di mata km, udah lama aku ga pake softlens jadi kepengen juga.
ReplyDeletecoba pake lg rim ππ»✨ biar makin cantikk
Deleteyang strawberry ko lucu banget ya ada sprinkle nya gitu, mirip mirip stardust kalo kata aku si, pengen beli ah
ReplyDeletestarwars mksudnya? iya hmpir mirip stardust cm yg ini motif nya lbih bgus mnurutku hehe
DeleteAduh foto-fotonya ini loh unyu banget beb.. bikin aku pengen pakai lens ini juga.
ReplyDeletepake lg dong hehe π✨
Deleteserius aku baru tau tentang brand ini, makasih infonya kak! Kayaknya mau coba yang stardust nih soalnya unik banget motifnya, dan aku lebih suka softlens yang gak terlalu ngasih efek big eyes, sooo kayaknya yg stardust cucok deh XD
ReplyDeleteiya sma2 . ak jg baru coba brand ini tahun lalu , coba deh ini bguk kok ✨π
DeleteThese lenses are so cute! I haven't worn circle lenses in years but I miss the enlarging effect they have.
yeah they are really cute π✨
DeleteVery nice effect! ^^
yeah they are π✨
DeleteYou like a doll!
ReplyDeleteSo cute :)
thank u so much ✨π
Deletethank you ✨π
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The packaging is so cute ♥ So the lenses are! They suit you very well <3 ◡‿◡✿
ReplyDeleteBlog de la Licorne
Great post dear. I am following you and I hope you follow back too π
ReplyDeletesuch an awesome lenses you tried, i have never used but would love.
ReplyDeletethanks for beautiful post :)
Prabhu - have a nice day :)
You are very cute ♥
Kirain nggak bakal keliatan motifnya saking tipisnya, ternyata hasilnya mirip softlens2 kekinian yang bikin mata kayak bule yah. Cakep! x
ReplyDeleteIt looks great on you! Lovely giveaway :)
ReplyDeleteShoot for the stars | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Facebook page | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Instagram
Omg both are really beautiful!!!
ReplyDeletei think its a fantastic idea for a giveaway :D
kisses ^^
My blog - Lalabetterdayz
Love the packaging!
ReplyDeletexx- Nina
They are incredible babe xoxo Cris