Monday, March 19, 2018


Hello everyoneee :D today I wanna share my second haul review from ZAFUL. Im so happy that I can work with this such a great fashion online shop. I always satisfied with their great products and the good services. The other thing that Im really fond about Zaful is the shipping time that is quiet faster for a standard shipping. The parcel has arrived in 10 days after it was delivered. 

So this time I got 4 items from my Zaful wishlist ( read the post here ). Everything is really cute and has good quality. 

This is my favorite item of all. I chose S size and it really fits on me. Its really comfortable to wear and gives a sweet look since it comes in a soft pink color.

The cutest part is the ruffle neck. The knit is really soft and thin, its can be used as an inner for our sleeveless dress to look cuter. 

This is such a beautiful dress, the floral embroidered patchwork as a detail make it look sweet and feminine. The fabric is really good as shown in the photos on the website. 

It really get along well with the pink ruffle neck top. This lovely combo is really cute to wear together, aren't they? It looks cheerful and sweet wearing them. I really adore both the top and the dress. 

Since my wishlist is all about pastel color so most of the items I chose are pink and blue. Another top that I chose also came in a deep pink color. 

I really love this top, its really cute and the fabric is really great, soft and thick. This is a cute crop top shirt with cute raglan long sleeves. Sleeves are super cute! My favorite part from this top :D 

Its a little shorter than i expected but I still love it since its a cropped top. It would be more adorable if we paired with high waist short or mini flare skirt.

This beret hat looks exactly like the pictures in the web. I really love it, it complete my pastel outfit perfectly. Here I do some hairstyles that will match well with this beret. 

What do you think about my ZAFUL haul? are they lovely? If you are excited and curious about ZAFUL, just visit their web. This month they have Easter Special Sale and up to 50% off crazy discount coupons. 
And for Indonesian, no need to worry how to order from ZAFUL if you dont have Paypal account. You can complete your payment by using Alfamart / Indonesia ATM as the payment method. :D Have a great shopping everyone ^^ ~~


See yaa~~~~ on my next post ^^ ~~

Thursday, March 15, 2018


Yasshhh akhirnya up 1 blog post bulan ini XD, super sibuk awal bulan jadi g bisa nyicil2 buat ngeblog T.T. Oke deh seperti yang uda aku janjiin di postingan IG aku, kali ini ak mau ngeriview Peripera Airy Ink Velvet shade Elf Light Rose. Sebenernya uda dari taon kemarin belinya pas Testerkorea lg ada diskon 35% hahha tp baru kali ini bisa ngereview, kwkwk gilakk males bener yakkk :P. gpp lah soalnya tahun ini jg produk ink velvetnya peripera masih bnyk peminatnya. 

Awalnya cuma coba2 aja sih beli ini, soalnya ak uda pernah coba Peripera Ink Velvet ( belum ak review T.T wkkww ) dan kerenn bagt aku suka. trus jadi lip stain fav aku yeayy. Nah trus tiba2 muncul yg Airy Ink Velvet ini. Kira-kira ini bakalan jadi lip product fav aku jg ga yah?? Baca sampe habis deh ya kalo mau tau XD 

Untuk packaging samaa aja sih sma ink velvet lainnya. Ada box karton berbentuk box tinta buat packaging luarnya. Dan tentu aja komplit dengan keterangan produk dlam hangul sma bhs Inggris.

trus produknya sendiri bentuknya kayak botol pipet gitu. Mungil bgt jadi bisa dibawa kemana2, and I love it so muchh.

<3 br="">

Kuasnya pendek dan brusnya pipih agak miring. Lembut bgt brushnya trus krna bentunya yg pipih dan miring jadi gampang buat aplikasiin di sudut2 bibir.

Aku beli yg shade Elf Light Rose, yah mnurut aku ini wrna paling soft dari seri Airy ink Velvet. Perpaduan antara wrna pink dan peach sih mnurut aku, cakep bgt aku suka >3<)//. Warnanya sendiri saat masih belum ngeset sma udah ngestain ga beda jauh yah. Paling jadi agak soft warnanya dan jadi matte trus g bikin bibir kering jg. Untuk jadi stainnya aja g terlalu lama sih, jadi stelah dipake trus bbrp saat uda ngeset. Mau dijadiin gradient lips ato full lips oke smua tapi ak lebih prefer ke full lips sih ^^

Airy Ink Velvet ini jg ada scent nya yg lumayan bkin pusing buat aku haha tp untungnya lngsung ilang kalo uda dipake, hampir kayak body lotion menurutku baunya. Untuk teksturnya, creamy dan lembut bgt pas diaplikasiin ke bibir jadi brasa ringan bgt pas pake ini, nah mngkn karena ini kali yah namanya Airy Ink Velvet XD kwkwkw sotoyy

Sayangnya karena formulanya yg ringan kali yah, airy ink velvet ini kurang long last dibandingin sma yg Ink Velvet. Kalo yg Ink Velvet bisa tahan seharian , tp kalo Airy Ink Velvet ini di aku g sampe 5 jam uda agak hilang kalo habis dipake makan T.T yah walopun masih kliatan stainnya dikit jadi harus reapply lg.

Overall, untuk warna dan formulanya TOP deh, cuma ga longlast aja sih ga tau apa emg di aku doang ato mngkn uda ada yg pernah coba bisa share dikomen ntar haha. Mesti reapply klo udah mulai pudar stainnya jadi boros haha.

 gradient lips

 full lips

image warnanya cakep 
image creamy and soft
image g bikin bibir kering
image affordable price

image kurang longlast klo dibandingin sma Ink Velvet 

Repurchased? no. lebih milih repurchase Ink Velvet aja 


See yaaaa~~ on my next post ^^