Friday, March 3, 2017


Hi everyone ^^ , I'm being productive these day haha. Taking picture, write review, do makeup for blog and many more. Now, today Im going to review Yadah Quick Tattoo Brow Gel in Deep Brown shade. This is a sponsored review, BBcosmetics is kindly send me this for review purpose. Tho this is sponsored but I write this review honestly depend on my true experience using this product.

At first I wanna introduce BBcosmetic to all of you, BBcosmetic is an online beauty store based in Korea. They mostly sell wide range of Korean cosmetics brand. Tho they are based in Korea, they also have branch store in USA. They often held big sale and giveaway on their facebook or instagram account. Most their products are in sale, so the price is way more cheaper than the original price. And you know what? its free shipping worldwide. wohooo. So if you just wanna buy a single item or a bunch of make up, this is the right place girls XD haha. But unfortunately some of my favorite brand such as Peripera, Aritaum and Mamonde are not available there TT.TT I hope they will put them in store soon.

Customer Service
Talking about the CS, its such an important thing everytime we wanna buy things online. Their customer service, Irene who contacted me through email is really kind and friendly. She also inform me the tracking number after my package was sent. Our message will be replied in 48 hours so please be patient ^^, they will surely reply our email.

Shipping Time
My package arrived a week after they sent my package, they used EMS. That is why my package arrived so fast haha. But since I never purchased from their web yet, I dunno how long their regular shipping times. Im planning to purchase some products on their web, I will update on my blog to let you know about the shipping time.

Okay, enough for the store intro XD anw what step that make you take the longest time when do make up?? For me is "eyebrow" haha, my eyebrows have no shape so I need to shape my eyebrow with pencil eyebrow first, fill my eyebrow with eyebrow powder and then finish it with eyebrow mascara TT.TT such a long way to do my eyebrows. But now I can reduce or skip that step by using Yadah Quick Tattoo Brow Gel. Read my review until finish to know hows the product works on me ^^.


I got this along with the Drawing Brow Guide to draw the my eyebrows. Its a set product, so you will get the Brow Guide and the Tattoo brow gel in a packet. I ask my Korean friend to translate the brow name hahah XD.

Style 1  Chic Brow

Style 2  Natural Brow

Style 3  Babyface Brow

There are 3 style of eyebrow shapes you can choose to shape your bows. On the back side there are directions how to use the brow guide. The brow guide is very elastic and easy to use. Also its easy to clean after using it.


It comes in a brown box, it look masculine and manly for packaging I think hhaha But it looks adorable with the cute font and the brow gel ilustration. There are informations, ingredients and directions about the product that are written in Korean and English. Usually most Korean cosmetics only written in Korean, that makes some of international buyers cry a river coz we dunno the meaning haha.

There are 3 shades available: 01 Natural Brown, 02 Deep Brown and 03 Ash Brown, and I choose Deep Brown shade. The product itself come in a brown tube packaging, the same color with the box. 

Some people might think that applying brow tattoo is wasting time, we need to wait them dried and then we can peel them off. Not efficient to use if we are in a hurry. But I dont think so, I think it will save our time in doing our eyebrows. Actually we just need to wait for 30 minutes to 1 hour to peel them off. But I prefer applying them before sleeping. So this is such a nice tip to apply them at night if u are in a hurry at the day.

On the box is written that we suppose sot to wear any make up or skin care before using this brow gel. And The perfect time to get more lasting color or reach the best result is applying this before sleep and peel off after waking up.

The wand of the brush is long enough, while the brush is short like a nail polish brush. With the long wand it is easy to draw eyebrows.

The products is in a soft gel form that dries up and turns into a soft peel-off gel without making skin irritation. It have a light scent, I dunno how to describe it but its not bothering me at all. So it will be safe to use, since it also enriched with the extract of black bean, black berry, panthenol and portulaca for hair strengthening. The texture of the gel is look a like liquid eyeliner but thicker. 

It is really easy to apply the brow gel. You can use the brow guide or just by following your eyebrow shape. Here I used brow guide no 3, the babyface brow or Korean brow style is my daily brow. Make sure to apply this in thick coat so it will be easy when we peeled them off. I apply this before sleeping and peel them off in the morning. I peel them starting from the tail, and it didnt hurt me at all. haha at first I was afraid that it will be hurt.

The color is really dark brown, I love it. It suits with my real hair color haha. It leaves natural looking tint onto my brows. Thing that become my concern is that I should not use any cleansing product within 24 hours after applying the brow gel. Well yeah but still, I wash my face like usual, also wudhu 5 times but the eyebrow still there haha.

After day 2 and 3, the eyebrow faded away a little but still visible, so I dont need to touch up my eyebrows. It still make my eyebrow in shape and still look natural. I will update for day 4 and so on.

How to use  Yadah Quick Tattoo Brow Gel . 

1. First brush your brow using the eyebrow screw, remember dont wear any make up or skin care before applying the product. ( its recommended to trim your eyebrow first. )

2. Next, you can use the brow guide or just draw following your eyebrow shape. Choose one between 3 styles brow guide, once u have drawn the desired shape, press gently with your fingers so taht the finger holds the skin.

3.Apply a liberal amount to avoid skin irritation, draw a line to define the shape of the eyebrows, following the brow guide. Complete drawing the other side in the same manner.

4. Dry for at least 1 hour. After drying completely, remove slowly starting from the tail of the eyebrow.

5. Dont use any cleansing product within 24 hours. Touch on the eyebrow area whitin 24 hours of using the product.

Overall, Im really impressed with this product. This is the first time I tried tattoo brow gel but it work well on me. My eyebrows are still looked natural and thick , haha really love it. Also I can save time when doing make up. hahah

Repurchased? Yeah I woud like to try the light brown.

Where to Buy? 

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Here is the link of the product ( link here
Price : $ 9.08 ( its on sale now)
Or you can visit their website to find another products


Use this Coupon Code: CY4ER8UTOMDS for 8% off.


See yaa~~~~ on my next post ^^ 


  1. iyaaa, eyebrow tatto gel kayak gini emang lebih praktis, touchupnya 3 hari kemudian wakakaka. aku nyoba yg secret key, tapi ga dapet cetakan alisnya hiks :'(

    1. haha iyaa bner. ak malah 5hr baru touch up XD .
      secret key jg ada cetakannya kah?

  2. great post! I really like your cosmetics test :)
    Kisses from poland !

  3. dia dapet cetakan alis gitu, jadi plus point bgt ya. aku kebayang kl ga bs gambar alis dgn rapi terus salah olesin gitu, berhari2 bentuk alisnya aneh hahahah XD

    btw itu maksudnya jadi kaya daun pacar gt (cuma warna doang yg nyisa setelah peeled) atau kaya ada yang nempel ngecover alis? (jadinya kalo kita kerok2 pake tangan gt ada yang ngelupas2) ??

    1. huum 1 set sma cetakan. hahah iya jgn sampe salah bikin alis XD
      iyaa ini jadi kayak pacar/hena gitu tp 5hr uda ilang haha.

  4. I can draw my eyebrows pretty fine but it´s a seriously helpful thing! :) Lovely photos ❀

    * Blog de la Licorne *

  5. Aku kalau pakai eyebrow tattoo pas udah agak faded karena hasilnya natural banget.

    1. iya stlh 3 hari malah jd kelihatn natural haha

  6. This is such an interesting product. It looks like very practical and easy to use! Especially if you are like me who can't just perfect the straight brows that Koreans have. Haha. It looks like it's waterproof too and I think 2 days is long enough for a re-application.

    Great review!

    - Gretch of GG Memochou

    1. yeahh.I cant make straight eyebrows nicely but this product is really helpfull hahah

  7. The tint looks so natural on you =) I never tried tint before, using the brow drawing tool is really convenient!


    1. this is the first time I tried tint brow haha and I like it. you should try babe

  8. wooow it's so cute
    Your eyebrow is so delicate <3
    I loved the post

  9. Nice review!
    I`m following ur blog with a great pleasure via GFC
    Please join me
    Sunny Eri: beauty experience

  10. Belum sempat cobain brow tattoo nya Etude sudah kekompor sama yang satu ini nih, warnanya cocok di kamu lho :) Btw, aku juga baru tau tentang brand Yadah sih, thank you for introducing to us Tori! You look cute as always <3



    1. ak jg pngn coba yg etude. eh tp malah dpt yg ini dan untungnya bgus XD. hihi thanks 😽😽 you more πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

  11. Entah kenapa aku merasa ngga cocok + ngga bisa pakai eyebrow tattoo seperti ini padahal kalau liat orang lain pake rasanya mudahhhh banget :(
    Oiya aku baru review Maskara dan Eyeliner Dejavu loh~
    Yuk bw yuk >>>
    Thank's yaaaaa <3

    1. awalnya emg susah sih takut kalau salah bikin alisnya hahha. tp bgus kok. harus coba haha.

  12. OMG, I've never thought of using a brow guide before when doing the tattoo brow gel, and it for sure will make the process more easier. This is totally brilliant and I feel stupid for not figuring it out hahahahah.

    ieyra h. | blog

    1. hahah. yeah its more practical to use eyebrow guide XD.

  13. I always wanted to try something like this! I just bought a tatoo brow too hΓ©hΓ©
    Thank you for the review >w<

  14. Great post dear

    Would you like follow each other? :)

  15. Oh very great products darling
    Great review

  16. Omg this looks amazing πŸ’— I believe my sister have tried this kind of product before, but I don't think it came with the brow guide. Anyway nice review! Hope to hear from you soon!

    Love, Airish
    Gorgeous Glance

  17. nah rekomen banget tuh yang bikin alis biar ga ribet ga butuh waktu lama

  18. suka banget sama bentuk alis yang natural brow sama chic brow, pasti beli ini mah..

  19. I like this article an excellent article and very interesting to read.
    bandar togel


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