Hi it has been so long I didn't make review about lenses ^^. So today finally make a review about my favorite lenses that I wear recently. And I hope I will make more lenses review in the future. So last few months ago I bought this pretty lenses. I fall in love with the pattern and colors, gladly Sweety Plus has this lenses with prescription. I know that there is another brand has this kind of pattern but only plano available, so I skip it and choose Sweety Plus Lenses instead. This is my first time wearing lenses from Sweety Plus anyway, do they fit on me or not? keep reading my full review below okay ^^
Lenses Description :
This is the cutest packaging I ever seen for lenses haha. They comes in vial bottles packaging. The design is really cute, its really pampering our eyes who love cute things.The lenses descriptions are written on the bottles and some information are written in Thai. Which is probably that the lenses are manufactured in Thailand though their origin are from Korea. The lenses come in 4 color choices available: Brown, Grey, Blue and Pink. Mine is the Luna Prism Venus Brown
The pattern and color of the lenses are kind of pretty and dreamy, that's why I really wanna try them out. The lenses have many tones: brown , dark blue, violet, and yellow but the brown tone is dominated since I chose the Luna Prisms Venus Brown lens.
It has 14,2 mm in diameter, but when wearing it becomes 14mm since the outer ring is transparent so it doesn't give any enlargement to my eyes. It perfectly fit to my real brown eyes and look so natural though they have many tones in them.
They looks so natural and blends well on me, people maybe didn't notice me wearing circle lenses but after they watched me closely it became noticeable. Since they look natural, I can wear this as daily lenses.
These are silicone hydrogel lenses, but for me they are getting dry easily after 5 hours. Still I can wear them up to 8 hours with drops. Though the dryness issue, they don't make my eyes feel tired or irritated at all.
Overall, I really love how pretty their pattern and color are. About the dryness, maybe its because my eyes are too sensitive , and it can give different effect to others eyes. So please think wise about the dryness issue. For all of you who love this kind of lenses and love to wear small diameter lenses, you can give these lenses a go ^^.
Repurchased? Sure I'd like to try another color too ^^.

See yaa ~~~ on my next post ^^

Bagus deh warnanya, benar-benar terlihat natural. Suka :3
ReplyDeleteiya nih , ak jg suka brownnya yg kliatan natural ^^
DeleteOhh I love these lenses! Their design is really original and looks very cute on you ^^
Freak Muffin Blog
thanks dear ^^
Deletethe lenses look great on you! :) Anyway, just dropping by to say hello all the way from the Philippines! I hope you can drop by my blog too and follow along if you like. Have a nice day! :)
ReplyDeletexoxo, rae
thanks dear ^^
DeleteWah, jadi kelihatan besar dan clink ya matanya �� #kbbvmember
ReplyDeleteiya , jd kayak ada pelangi nya gitu di mata XD
Deletewarna nya bagus banget ya beb, natural gt, jadi pengen cobain
iya kliatan natural, yuk cobain beb ^^
DeleteSampai skrg aku ga berani pakai softlense.. Ngeri aja ada benda di mata. Tp iri liat kamu cantik bgt matanya huhu #kbbvmember
ReplyDeletehihi klo emg g berani pake jgn dicobain beb ^^
DeleteWaw... Warna softlensenya bagus ya. Sekilas kayak pelangi gitu. Tapi begitu di pakai tetap natural. #kbbvmember
ReplyDeleteiyaa bner bgt, jadi kaya pelangi tp ttp natural ^^
Deletewah bagus ya di kamu, kalo aku pake coklat terang ini kadang suka lari ke kanan #kbbvmember
ReplyDeletethanks beb ^^
Deletewahh warnanya bagus, tp pas dipake jd kurang keliatan ya warna pelanginya :o
iya jd natural jatuhnya XD
DeleteLensa yang bermotif cocok banget kalo dikombinasikan sama makeup mata yang agak bold hehe #kbbvmember
ReplyDeletehihi iya nih kayaknya, sayangnya ak g bisa bikin makeup yg bold gitu XD
DeleteThis looks so amazing!
thank you ^^
DeleteLama gak blogging dan pas mampir kesini, tau2 keracunan softlense! *pingsan
ReplyDeleteIni di Korea lagi nge trend warna2 begian ya? Banyak ulzzang yg pakai warna kayak gini. Bagus dan bikin mata jadi kelihatan soft ^^
Mampir ya ke new post ku :)
iya nih kayaknya lg trend dikorea XD
DeleteMau banget coba warnanya~ asyk nih buat cosplayπ tapi baru denger brandnya dr korea ya?!
buat cosu agak kekecilan diameternya XD, iya dr korea
DeleteJadi pemgen deh . Bagus look ny jadinya . Natural gtu
iya bagus, cobain deh ^^
DeleteAku jadi beli arena kamu lho, tp blm dicoba XD
ReplyDeleteJadi mau aku buka deh soalnya natural.
yayy,, buruan dipake, pasti ccok bgt dikamu dir ^^
Deletelove the pattern and love the color too! #kbbvmember
yayy, love it too ^^
DeleteWarna lensanya bagus deh. Di awal keliatannya warna warni tapi pas dipake lebih ke natural ya #kbbvmember
ReplyDeleteiya dr jauh kliatan natural ^^
DeleteSaya bukan pemakai softlense sih, tapi lense nya emang keliatan natural trus packagingnya lucuu
iyess, lucu bgt softlens nyaa ^^
DeleteBeli dimana ini lensnya put?? Lucu banget patternnya. Mungkin aku bisa menghipnotis babang macan pake lens ini.
ak beli di shopee dis haha,, bisa bgt buat ngedipin babang macan XD
DeleteCocok banget sama km , packingnya lucu abis #kbbvmember
ReplyDeletethank you ^^
DeleteBagus banget warnanya natural. Patternnya juga lucu banget. Jadi penasaran ada warna apa aja #kbbvmember
ReplyDeleteada 4 wrana lainnya ^^
DeleteI love your lenses and it suits you.
ReplyDeleteI just hope i can wear again!
Much Love,
Jane | The Bandwagon Chic
thanks dear ^^
DeleteWah, warnanya cantik banget tapi natural ya. Jadi kepengin nyoba nih #kbbvmember
ReplyDeletecobain deh say ^^
Deletecantik say, so pretty yang warna abu nya... #kbbvmember
ReplyDeleteBaguuus warna nya beb!!! Lagi demen hunting softlens nih belakangan ini wkwkwk #kbbvmember
ReplyDeleteThey are beautiful. xoxo Cris
great post
Those really looks cute :)
ReplyDeletexx Alyssa | STYLE VANITY
The color looks so good on you dear, unfortunately it's drying ya :(
ReplyDeleteMy eyes are quite sensitive too, I think I have to re-think again to try this one
This is the cutest packaging ever! Looks great!
Both look so pretty on you! <3
The color of these lenses is absolutely beautiful!!! Love how they look on you too! You are so pretty!!!
Olga from Myme
thank you !! ^^
ReplyDeletecantik kontak lensa-nya, warnanya sangat natural, jadi pengen nyoba.. :)