Tuesday, October 9, 2018


Two days ago, I got my package from TESTERKOREA for beauty tester review purpose. I got 4 items to be reviewed.

Jadi 2 hari kemarin itu paket ak dari Testerkorea baru sampai. Nah sebagai salah satu beauty tester yg dipilih oleh TESTERKOREA, aku dikirimi 4 produk untuk dicoba dan direview. 
  1.  A: T Fox Tea Toc Water Cream 100ml
  2.  Mamonde High Cover Cushion Perfect Liquid 13g 
  3.  Too Coo For School Glam Rock Double Proof Brow 
  4.  The Face Shop Gelato Tint 4.2g
As you already knew that I really love shopping at Testerkorea since its really easy to shop there. The reason why I love to shop there is their great services. Thats why I dont regret or have bad experience with TesterKorea.

Aku tu uda sering bgt belana di TESTERKOREA, soalnya gampang bgt buat belanja diwebnya. Kenapa aku paling suka belanja disana? soalnya servis mereka yg emang beneran bagus. Makanya aku g pernah nyesel ato punya pengalaman buruk belanja disana

Their customer services are friendly and fast respond, beside they will give various cosmetics samples on any orders. And the most important thing is their shipping fee. The shipping fee is calculated based on the product volume, and I think Testerkorea is more affordable compare to other site. 

CS nya mereka jg ramah dan fast respond gitu, krna ak orangnya worry an, ak sering bgt tanya2 ato rewel ini itu lewat email haha. Enaknya lg, kita jg bakalan dpt macam2 sample kosmetik setiap belanja disana. Nah yg paling penting itu kalo belana diluar negeri itu biaya shippingnya XD. Shipping nya disini dihitung berdsarkn jumlah total berat barang, dan menurutku shipping di Testerkorea ini yg paling terangkau dibanding website yg lain. 

They also has request item service, which we can buy any product that is not available at Testerkorea website by requesting and give the link of product to them. And I found this really helpful since not many shopping sites have this kind of service.

Selain itu disna jg ada servis request item gitu, adi kita bisa beli barang apa aja yg g ada di web mereka. G cuma produk kecantikan aja, smua barang bisa di request kok, caranya cukup kita kash link produk yg kita pengen di website mereka.

Okay back to the products that they sent to me. I will review the skincare at the last, since I wanna know wether it works on me or not, so I can really give my honest review to all of you. And today I will review the Gelato Tint first from The Face Shop. This product have a good response in Korea. Probably because it’s cute packaging, and Im so excited with this product.

Untuk review kali ini, yg pertama aku mau review Gelato Tint nya dulu, untuk yg skincare akan ak review paling akhir adi biar bisa bner2 tau produknya ngefek di aku ato g. Di Korea, Gelato tint ini dapat respon yg bagus disana, mngkn karena packagingnya yg lucu dan pasti kualitas produknya yah.

Product : The Face Shop Gelato Tint  4.2g
Brand : The Face Shop 
Country of Origin : South Korea
Price : ₩ 9,000 / $ 8.29 ( buy here )


This super cute packaging has plastic box as the outer packaging. While the tint itself comes in an ice cream cone container packaging. Probably people wont notice that this is a tint , because it looks like a cute stationary imo. 

What I really love about the packaging is the sprinkles detail on the ice cream cap, also the cone texture detail, seems like a real ice cream cone.

The short wand and soft brush is really easy to use. Its really adorable that the cap handle is the ice cream cap XD.


I got mine in shade no.3 named Falling in Red, I chose this color coz I really love to wear red lips product recently. The Falling in Red has red shade with hint of orange color that will make u fall in love when swatches at the first time.

This tint is more than I expected, at first I tot that this tint would be watery finish just like usual tint products. But I was wrong it has velvety finish which I really like. It takes few times to set into matte and it doesn't dry my lips at all.

This tint melt on the lips like soft ice cream, as it written on the packaging description, and yeahh it does. It also contains 4 plants oil : rose hip, safflower seed, apple and mango.

The tint has a delicious scent, umm its like the smell of cookies with coconut flavor. The scent doesn't bother me at all because when I apply it on my lips, the smell has gone.


The pigmentation is really great and buildable. With only one swatch it can cover my dark lips.  This tint is really good to create both gradients or bold lips. When you wear it for gradient lips the orange color is more dominant. But when applying more layers to create bold lips, a beautiful red color will show up. 


Its long lasting enough, it stays still up to 4-5 hours without heavy meal or drink. But when I eat greasy food the tint will fade but still leave stain on my lips. So I need to touch up a little but its not a big problem for me. 

It will transfer to glass when I drink or when I wipe my lips with tissue, but still tolerable since the tint stay still on my lips. 

Like :
🌸  cute packaging
🌸  velvety matte finish
🌸  pretty red shade

Hate :
🌸 not transfer-proof

Overall, I do really love this tint. I recommend this for all of you who love tint that has silky matte finish and cute packaging for bonus 🤣. I will rate this 4/5 , and will definitely repurchase and try another shade.

See yaaa ~~~ on my next post ^^


  1. Love the packaging. It's so cute.


  2. That is so cute and I like that it so pigmented :)

    xx Alyssa | STYLE VANITY

    1. Yea Im amaze with the pigmentation, its really great

  3. Ya ampun, ini super cute banget sih packagingnya.

  4. I saw this lip tint a few days ago and I almost bought it, now I want it! It looks so beautiful and the packing is really cute!

    Freak Muffin Blog

  5. this has a very cute package

    Thank you for sharing

  6. Dah aku ngiri sama bibir kamu hahaha tebel banget sukak deh liatnya, btw sayang ya dia engga yang kaya awet gitu :p

  7. Mao matik liat packaging nya. Super gemaash kaya es krim mini haha. Btw warna nya di bibir kamu cantk banget ih.

  8. ya ampuuun ini lucu amaaat, kamu tu spesialis produk imut ya put hahahaa :)

  9. cute banget sih packagingnya super amat menggemaskan..
    btw, warnanya juga cantik banget jadi ingin punya gelato tint ini

  10. omg bibir kamu sexy banget kak, aku cita2 banget punya full lips kaya kamu, and also the color really suit you best, aku langsung kepoin lo tempat beli lipt tintnya, hihi

  11. Kemasannya lucu banget sih, warnanya di bibir juga bagusss, langsung kepoin olshop buat beli hehe

  12. Packaging nya lucu banget kupikir permen hahaha . ternyata gelato tint . aku sih kurang suka liptint tapi ini kok warna nya nyata banget yaaa ... Cuss langsung cek olshop nya

  13. I wanna this lip tint! Really cute and for full or gradation lips, it'sn make you look so gorgeous beb!

  14. Packagingnya lucu banget, jadi pengen makan deh hihi jadi pengen punya lip tintnya hehehe

  15. PARAH LUCU BANGET ITU GELATO TINT NYA TOLOOONGG .. btw aku baru tau nih websitenya testerkorea, nanti cobain aahh

  16. The packaging! Oooh my.. super cute indeed! Would love to have one as well. And the shade is not bad at all..

  17. Packagingnya ya ampun lucu banget, berasa pengen dimakan juga gitu ya, hasilnya dipake di bibir juga warnanya cantik banget itu

  18. Yaampun beb lucu banget siiiih packagingnya gelato gituuu, kalo aku lg banyak duit pasti udah kalap ikutan beli juga. Warnanya juga cantik banget yaaa

  19. Ya ampun Tory kenapa ini packagingnya lucukkk banget ya, warnanya juga cakep masih natural dipake sehari2... Serius pengen punya juga :)

  20. Gemes banget packagingnya. Lucu buat mainan. Jadi pengen koleksi juga jadinya.

  21. lucu banget packagingnya. warnanya juga bagus. ingin rasanya beli, tapi lumayan juga yak harganya buat kantong mahasiswa hehe

  22. Lucu banget lah kemasannya, tapi aku perhatikan dari awal rilis gak gitu banyak yang jual ini di shopee :(

  23. Packaging-nya lucu banget, beeeebbbb. Gemeeeessss!
    Kayak cornetto mini aja deh.
    *lah malah sebut merek es krim wkwkwk*

    Warnanya bagus, beb. Kalo dibikin ombre jadinya definisi My Lips But Better banget. Cucccooookkkkk~

  24. OMG itu lucu banget packagingnya! Aku sebetulnya ngerasa kurang cocok kalau pakai lip tint (karena bibir aku warnanya rada gelap), tapi kalau packaging lip tint-nya seimut dan menggemaskan ini kayanya aku mau deeeh beli. Demi packaging.


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