Hehe nyuri2 waktu buat nulis blog
. sibuk banget sekarang
I need more days off. haha. Anyway I wanna review my new baby Etude House Rosy Tint #8 After Blossom, finally I purchased this liptint. I really wanna try this kind of liptint. 
There are 8 shades color available.
I chose shade #8 After blossom, this is really awesome color, burgundy color.
The texture is cream and really pigmented. Usually I apply lip balm before apply this liptint , bcoz this liptint a little bit makes my lips dry. But its okay since I love the matte finish.
This product is long lasting enough if u not eating and drinking, just fade a little bit when u drink. I suggest using straw when drinking lol.
There are 8 shades color available.
1. Before Blossom 2. Sunny Flower 3. Rose Petal 4. Sweet Posion 5. Baby Poeny
6. English Garden 7. Tea Rose 8. After Blossom
6. English Garden 7. Tea Rose 8. After Blossom
This product comes in a tube package. It made from thick plastic thats way its hard to squeeze this liptint.
Need some effort to make the product come out in the right amount.
This is when I applied this produck\t on my full-lips, without filter. I also use this product as a blush cream, but the color didnt come out in the picture. Actually it really pigmented on my cheeks.

Repurchased? yess , I wanna try another color.
next maybe Tea Rose and Baby Poeny