Sunday, February 14, 2016

Haul: Taobao Haul

image, today is my another haul, yeap Taobao haul. Most of you must already know what Taobao is. Taobao is China's largest online marketplace, just like Ebay you can find many thing there from many vendors / sellers. If you are lucky, u can get good stuffs with cheaper price. A month ago I wanna buy wig and bag from ebay, but at that time I dont have paypal.  so I try to buy from Taobao's agent from local online shop. Since this is my first time buying from Taobao agent, and dont know the quality I just purchase some stuffs.  I will just give a quick review here and make the full review in separate post ^^


image Lolita Heat Shape Bag image

Pic from the web ( link here ) about $11

The bag I got is the same like the pic on the web. Awww make me wanna purchase the pink one also XD haha. This bag is really simple but cute, but sadly this bag is quiet small to carry many things haha. But its okay since the bag is cute.

image Lolita Maid Uniform Long Sleeves image

Pic from the web ( link here ) about $15

I'm a little bit disappointed with this dress, the fabric and the design are almost the same with the pic on the web but it sewn un-neatly. A little bit bigger on me, but still look kawaii to wear ^^. 

image Lolita Red Brown Long Curly Fashion Wig image


 Pic from the web ( link here ) about $18

This is my first wig and I really love this wig, its exactly the same on the web ( color and style ), really worth the price. The wig is really smooth but easy to tangle since its really long and curly wig. I dont know much about wig XD I think I need to find how to take care of wig haha. 

So far I'm satisfied with my first order, but not with the seller agent >3< ( I hate unfriendly seller ) she is so unfriendly and not professional seller in my opinion. So, I wont repurchase from that seller again, will find another Taobao agent XD. Have you ever bought something from Taobao? pls share your experience in the comment below  and share your favorite shop from Taobao. I wanna purchase some wig ,lolita bag  and umaru-chan cosplay in the future. thank you ^^


See yaaa~~~ on my next post ^^
 follow my instagram @torichux3




  1. OMG so cute~ I wish in the UK we had a Taoboa :'( Loved the post Tori ~<3

    1. U can find Taobao agent that shipped internationally such as taobaospree ^^ Thanks Cindy

  2. Gyaaaahhh gemes bajunyaaaa!!! Kamu beli dari agent (?) apa Tori-Chan? Ayo ootd pake ituu, mau liaaat XD

    Sherry from ♕ SheemaSherry ♕ blog (

    1. iyaaa bajunya lucuu bgt >3< beli di jejes taobao nih.
      hihi ditunggu yahh, mau agak dikecilin dulu bajunya XD

  3. Bahahahah putri belanja terus XD
    Aku dulu sering beli barang2 di taobao waktu masih tertarik cosplay, sekarang barang2nya berceceran entah dimana XDD

    1. Oh ya, aku dulu kalau wig nya kusut di rendem pake loreal yg conditioner yg warna merah-putih packagingnya.

    2. bnyk racun dmn2 soalnya haha XD ak baru tau taobao belakangan ini >3< makasihh indira , ak biasanya jg pake itu buat rmbut q snediri haha :3

  4. awwww I love the uniform and bag sooo much *Γ§*

  5. I have never purchased from Taobao but I want to so badly because they have all sorts of cute dresses that a similar to Liz Lisa! :) Hope to find a better agent though! :)

    1. yeah I heard tht also XD many sellers sell dresses similar to Liz Lisa XD

  6. everything u got is so cute :3 I love taobao sm ^^

  7. Such cute stuff you got! Thanks for sharing :)

  8. Nice post

  9. Aww these are so cute! I've heard of Taobao but it's from China so I usually feel a little bit skeptical buying goods from there >.<

    1. me too at first >3< but its hard to find tht kind of stuff here, so taobao is the only way to get them haha ^^

  10. OMG Your haul looks so nice! Would love to see you wear your fashion haul =D

    Sharon Lee

  11. Wow such a great haul. I am eager to see a doll like look with the new wig.

  12. The uniform looks really cute! Synthetic wigs/extensions are a real pain to take care of, if you brush them when they tangle, they will get frizzy eventually... uh.

    1. yeah it is >3< I dunno how to take care of it T.T

  13. baru mau tanya beli taobaonya lewat seller mana, ternyata gak bagus ya .__. nanti kalau nemu yang bagus, kabarin ya~ Aku juga pingin banget beli dari taobao nih, ada wig yang aku pingiiiiin banget


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