Hello everyone :3 finally I come back here. As I promise that I will write posts more often but it seems that I cant keep it hahah. So sorry T.T.
Helloo.. akhirnya aku balik ngeblog lagi yahhh XD dr kemarin janjinya bakaln lebih rajin tp zonk XD hampir sebulan sama sekali g nulis apa2 XD kali ini jg g janji sih bisa konsisten ngeblog lg, butuh mood booster ( read: pacar :v ) biar ada yg nyemangatin ngeblog. hahah alesan doang XD klo pny pcar mah makin males ngeblognya aku XD
Okay, after my short hiatus :p , Im going to review an eyebrow powder from local beauty brand: Emina Cosmetics. I have many products from this brand, umm I think this is the only local brand that I purchased the most recently. There are not many eyebrow powder product from local brand here in Indonesia. Thats why I really wanna try this product out.
Okay, buat starter habis hiatus, aku mau review eyebrow powder merk lokal punyanya Emina Cosmetics. Kayaknya dari produk lokal yang aku punya kebanyakan dari Emina hahah. Kali ini aku uda cobain yebrow powdernya Emina ini. Jarang kan yah ada produk lokal yg punya eyebrow powder. Dari berbagai model produk eyebrow, aku
tuh lebih sering pake yg model eyebrow powder. Soalnya hasilnya keliatan
lebih natural sih menurutku.
Yapp, Emina has Top Secret Eyebrow that I really wanna try since long long time ago. Its really hard to get this, its always out of stock at the online and offline store. Two months ago finally , I can get this product yeahhh >3<)//. The price is quiet affordable also, its only about 4$ , really cheap for an eyebrow powder product, right?
Nah dari Emina ada Top Secret Eyebrow, udah dari dulu banget pngen nyobain eyebrow ini, cuman susah bgt nyarinya. ga di store online atau offline storenya kosong trus tiap tanya sma mbak mbak BA nya T.T. Kebetulan bbrapa bulan kmaren pas ke event Jejepangan anda standnya Emina eh ada produknya, yauda langsung angkut deh. Harganya jg affordable menurutku, kmrn beli cuma 45k doang.
Okay, now lets talk about the main actor here haha. The box packaging is really adoreable, the vintage luggage is very simple but cute. Inside the box, we can find the product that look like usual triple eyeshadow from local brands. The size is small, made from thick plastic. Since it so small, it doesnt need much space in our makeup pouch. But since it made from clear plastic, it will get dirty easily.
haha langsung bahas main actor nya aja deh yah XD ini nih pekejing boxnya lucu aslikk. gambarnya koper gitu, ukurannya mini. Pas dibuka boxnya, pekejingnya itu hampir sama kayak kebnyakan triple eyeshadow dari produk2 lokal. Ukurannya mini, transparan, dari plastik lumayan tebal umm kayaknya sih g bakal gampang pecah klo himpit2an di dlm pouch makeup. Ya cuma gampang keliatan dekil apalagi klo sering kegores sana sini. wkwk yang penting mah mungil bisa diajakin kemana2 , dikantongin disaku seragam skolah jg bisa. kwkwk
This product comes along with double angle brush and spoolie , and ofc in a tiny size too XD. The eyebrow brush is good enough to use, but I dont like to use the spoolie since its really small so it become uncomfortable to use. I prefer using my own eyebrow brush to this dual brush anw. Unfortunately, it doesnt come with a little mirror inside, so we need to bring our mirror.
Di dalemnya uda ada double angle brush sma spoolie yg tentunya jg mungil bingit XD. Eyebrow brushnya enak sih dipake, tp buat spoolienya ak kurang suka krnya kecil bgt jadi g nyaman pakenya. Tapi ak lebih milih pake brush pnya ku sendiri sih jadinya brush bawan jarang aku pake. Sayangnya ga ada kaca kecil yah buat ngalis pas darurat gitu. mesti bawa2 kaca sndri T.T
Such a shame, this eyebrow powder only comes in one shade. T.T At first I doubt whether to buy or not, since the shades powder are dark or warm tone. I was afraid that it wont match with my brown hair. But Finally I still buy this coz I really wanna try it.
Ada sayangnya lagi nihh, si eyebrow cm ada satu shade aja T.T. Awalnya agak ragu jg sih coba g yah soalnya cm ada satu shade, walaupun terdiri dari 2 warna coklat tua dan coklat muda tapi masih tetep aja shadenya gelap atau warm tone. Secara kan rambut q agak terang dikit, takutnya g matching sma warna rambut, Tapi bodo amat lah kwkwk tetp ak beli, dan alhamdulillah cocok cocok aja warnanya sma rambutku.
It has 2 powder eyebrow ( light brown and dark brown ) and wax. I only used the wax once, I didnt like the result if I applied the wax before the powder. So I wont use the wax anymore hahah. The dark brown shade is the shade tht I used the most. The dark brown shade is more natural and pigmented on my eyebrows. I rarely use the light brown shade, and only use it as nose shading.
Tuh kan mirip kayak triple eyeshadow gitu bentuknya, cuma ini isinya 2 powder ( light and dark brown) dan 1 wax. Aku sih cuma sekali coba wax nya , tp malah g suka hasilnya trus risih jg wkwk jadinya uda g pernah pake si wax-nya. Dari 2 shade ini ak lebih sering pake yg ditengah ( coklat tua ) karena lebih pigmented kali yah, dan hasilnya masih natural jg. Kalo yg coklat muda malah g terlalu pigmented di alisku, mesti swatch berkali2 kwkwkwk . Jadinya malah jarang kepake buat ngalis, eh tp aku bikin jadi buat shading hidung, bagus dan natural sih.
This is swacthes on my hand, both are pigmented enough and looks really natural. But when I apply them on my eyebrows, the light shade isn't pigmented enough.
Ini swatch ditanganku, lumayan keliatan dan pigmented yah. Cuma pas diaplikasiin di alis yang coklat muda kurang nampol di aku. Untuk bikin alis natural bisa bgt cuma pake produk ini, cuma biar bisa, gampang dipake jg buat yg baru belajar ngalis, kayak aku kwwkwk dari dulu masih blajar ngalis yg baik benar dan cetar XD tapi aku biasnya kalo ngalis ak bingkai dulu pake pensil alis baru di isi pake eyebrow powder ini biar keliatan lebih rapi.
Imo, this product has a good staying power. It last on me for about 8 hours and only fade a little. I dont need touching up my eyebrows XD yayyyy
Kalo ditanya soal ketahanannya, eyebrow ini lumayan oke menurutku. Aku pake kerja 8 jam masih ada bentuknya XD yah meski agak blur dikit soalnya dipake buat wudhu kan yah berati lumayan waterproof yah XD. Tapi g perlu touch up gitu aku sih masih kliatan bagus alisnya.
I love to use this as my daily eyebrow product. It's a nice product and easy to use. I will definitely repurchase this when I ran this out.
Overall aku suka sama eyebrow ini, aku pake produk ini setiap hari. Dan uda pasti aku bakal repurchase lg kalo udah habis haha. Soalnya g cuma bisa buat ngalis, tp bisa buat shadng hidung jg :P hahah
Affordable price
travel friendly
easy to use
long last, waterproof
tiny brush XD
hard to get
See yaa~~~ on my next post