Tuesday, December 15, 2020


Best eyebrow pencil for brown orangish hair color?? If you have the same hair color like me, and feel difficult to find the correct eyebrow product shade which match the hair color you are at the right page. Keep reading to find out the product and full review below. 

Anw, it has been quiet a while I didnt write any review here in my blog, recently I just wrote quick review in my Instagram account ( @torichux3 ) follow me for more update 😊🥰

Black, dark brown, light brown and grey are common color which usually available in eyebrow product color choices. So this is tye first time I find a unique shade for brow: a rose brown shade , which is great for us who have red, brown or orangish hair color. 

Yeah its Hard Formula Style Brow from Murir. Its the first time I heard about this brand, then I found out that this is a Korean brand. Im glad that I meet this Hard Formula Style Brow from @murir.official. Drawing eyebrow is an important step for me when doing my everyday makeup. As I usually only apply lipcream and eyebrow for my daily go to work 🤣 Im too lazy to do a full makeup. ⁣

𓂃 𓈒𓏸𑁍 PACKAGING 𑁍𓏸𓈒 𓂃 

⸙ The packaging is dominated with green, this color represent the stage where the beauty begin ( fresh ). It comes in matte box packaging and glossy plastic tube for the brow pencil.

Just as usual auto pencil brow product, it has double end tips for the brow product and the spoolie brush. 

⸙ It has a triangular shape eyebrow tip which designed for outlining and filling the eyebrows easily. This kind of eyebrow are perfect for beginners.⁣ The good thing is that the spoolie brush is pretty soft and comfy to use, so I dont need to worry it would hurt my skin. 

𓂃 𓈒𓏸𑁍  COLOR AND FORMULA 𑁍𓏸𓈒 𓂃 

⸙ there are 4 shades available : Dark brown, Natural Brown, Ash Brown and Rose Brown. ⁣

Mine is Rose Brown, it has an orange hint which is perfect for brown orange hair.⁣

⸙ the hard- soft formula delivers a vivid and natural eyebrow. It is easy to draw perfect eyebrow with this. ⁣

⸙ Long lasting formula⁣ and high adhesion which can last all the day. 

𓂃 𓈒𓏸𑁍 PERFORMANCE 𑁍𓏸𓈒 𓂃 

⸙ Its pretty easy to draw eyebrows with this product , it glides smoothly even when I put on a matte makeup base ( rough surfaces ).⁣

⸙ The color pay-off is great, so I dont need put multiple layers to make the eyebrow visible. ⁣

⸙ pretty and perfect color for my brown-orange hair 🤩🤩 ⁣

⸙ long lasting all day. It stays still well all day, even after I wash my face several time for praying. ⁣



Name of the Product:

Murir - Hard Formula Style Brow

Where to Buy:



USD 10.47 / IDR 195.000

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


Scarlett Whitening review kali ini ga hanya 1 produk tapi langsung semua rangkaian body care nya nih. Udah dari lama body care nya Scarlet Whitening jadi wishlist aku, akhirnya uda bisa cobain semua nya dan bner bner puas sama hasilnya.

Aku mau info nih ya, smua produk body care: Body Scrub, Shower Scrub dan Body Lotion nya ini smua mengandung GLUTATHIONE dan VIT E sebagain main ingredient nya loh. Jadi bahan bahan ini bagus banget untuk kulit kita karena bisa untuk mencerahkan , melembabkan dan menutrisi kulit. Not but not least, semua produk Scarlett Whitening udah ada BPOM dan not tested on animals ya, jadi aman digunakan.

Kebetulan kulit aku agak sensitif dan berdarah manis, jadi klo luka dikit jadi ada bekas hitam hitam gitu, sedihnya bekas luka nya tuh susah bnget ilang. Makanya tiap beli body care yg ada scrubnya ak jadi berhati2 pilih yg lembut dan nyaman untuk kulit sensitif. 

Awalnya penasaran dong, Scarlett Whitening ini bnyk review bagusnya akhirnya beraniin coba dikulit sensitif ku ini. Yayyy amaze bgt deh walopun baru coba 3 minggu ini, tp worth banget dipake secara rutin. Lengkapnya langsung baca review detail dibawah ya.


Untuk produk pertama yg aku mau review disini yaitu Body Scrub , ada 2 varian yaitu Romansa dan Pomegrante. Yang baru aku coba ini yg varian romansa. Body scrubnya ini lumayan besar ya packagingnya 250gr. Jadi bisa last sampe berbulan bulan. Packagingnya bner2 feminine bgt di dominasi dengan warna pink dan design bunga bunga which is what I love soalnya aku tuh banci pekejing gitu. 

Tekstur dari body scrubnya ini butiran scrubnya bener bener halus jadi ga bakalan sakit pas di apply ke seluruh badan. Jadi aman banget buat dipakai badan aku yg agak sensitif ini.

Sejak awal aku buka body scrubnya ini , wangi bunga bunga nya langsung semerbak gitu bahkan sampe semua ruangan jadi ikut wangi juga 🤣🤣. Wangi bunga nya ini yg fresh gitu ya jadi sama sekali ga bikin pusing. 

Cara pakai

Body scrubnya ini agak beda ya cara pakainya dari body scrub yg lain. 

1. Ambil produk secukupnya lalu ratakan ke seluruh tubuh yang masih kering, diamkan 2-3 menit. 

2. Gosok gosok perlahan seperti pemakaian biasa body scrub.

3. Bilas dengan air hingga bersih. 


Body scrubnya ini minggu minggu pertama aku pakainya 2-3 kali seminggu karena kemarin2 itu aku jarang pake body scrub 😂. Minggu terakhir ini aku pake 1-2 kali seminggu. Setelah di bilas kulit terasa lembab dan bersih aja. Dan wangi nya pun juga awet masih nempel walopun udah di bilas. Body scrub ini jg berperan besar banget buat nyerahin badan aku ya. 


Produk selanjutnya ada Shower Scrub , ada 3 varian untuk shower scrubnya : Cucumber, Pomegrante, dan Mango. Packagingnya berupa botol bening dengan tutup flip, walaupun dari plastik tapi tetep secure misal mau dibawa traveling jadi ga takut tumpah. Tapi lebih amannya sih dan biar ga berat bagusnya di pindah kebotol kecil lagi yang lebih travel friendly.

Shower scrub Pomegrante yg aku pakai ini berwaran ungu bening dengan butiran scrub berwarna merah biru yang lembut. Sama halnya dengan si body scrub, karena butirannya halus body scrubnya ini aman untuk dipakai setiap hari. Butiran scrubnya berfungsi untuk mengangkat sel sel kulit mati. Jadi bikin kulit kita jadi lebih bersih, lembab dan pastinya membantu mencerahkan jika dipakai secara rutin ya. 

Pas pakai ini, aroma buah yg super manis bakal langsung tercium. Seger banget, bahkan setelah dibilas wanginya jg masih bisa tercium agak lama. Jadi bikin aroma badan selalu fresh gitu. 

Jadi udah dipastikan kalo shower scrub nya ini berperan penting juga untuk proses mencerahkan dan melembabkan kulit kita ya. Dan ga cm itu aja ,shower scrubnya jg bisa dipakai sebagai sabun cuci tangan selama masa pandemi ini loh. 

Cara pakai: Basahi tubuh, usap sabun diseluruh bagian tubuh. Lalu bilas dengan air sampai bersih.


Biasanya setelah pake body scrub ak lanjut mandi dengan shower scrub nya ini, badan jadi makin halus dan lembab. Jadi kesan setelah pakai shower scrub ini kulit terasa lembab dan ga kering sama sekali. 


Yang terakhir ini tuh paling favorit, menurut aku ini body lotion yg jadi tahapan paling penting untuk proses pencerahannya yah. Untuk variannya ada 4 : Romansa (pink ), Freshy (kuning), Charming (ungu) dan Fantasia (hijau).

Bnyak bgt yg bilang dari ke4 varian diatas yg paling banyak disukai yang Freshy karena wanginya yang mirip Jo Malone English Pear dan Freesia eau de colongne. Dan emang bener bgt yg Freshy ini wanginya enak banget ,elegant dan sedikit ada wangi musky2 gitu. Berasa pake parfume aja nih, apalagi wanginya bisa tahan hampir 5 jam an loh. 

Packagingnya jg model pump yg ada lock-unlock gitu jadi sudah pasti aman kalo mau dibawa kemana2. Yang aku suka lagi body lotionnya ini punya tekstur yang mudah meresap dan tidak lengket dikulit. Jadi pas lagi buru2 mau pergi pake body lotion ini ga perlu tunggu kering dulu 😂😂. Ak kebiasaan brangkat kantor buru2 soalnya suka kesiangan haha. 

Cara pakai : usapkan secukupnya body lotion secara merata ke seluruh tubuh. 

Biasanya ak selalu pakai sehabis mandi, setiap kulitku  merasa kering soalnya selalu di ruangan ber ac. Lalu sebelum tidur ak jg pakai ini. Baunya enak bgt bikin tidur makin nyenyak . 

Performa :

Setelah kurang lebih 3 minggu aku nyobain rangkaian body care dari Scarlett Whitening, aku merasa kulit ku yang kusam menjadi lebih cerah. Bukan yang jadi putih instant gitu yah. Aku sendiri emg punya warna kulit yang ga merata ,hanya bagian tangan dan telapak kaki yg terlihat gelap. Kemungkinan karna dulu sering terekspos sinar matahari dan suka main kepantai motoran 😂😂. Ditambah lagi aku tuh punya darah manis , jadi setiap luka atau digigit nyamuk pasti langsung berbekas dan agak susah/ lama hilangnya. 

Setelah rutin pakai ini, aku ngerasa belang dikulit memudar ( bagian telapak tangan, punggung telapak kaki dan lutut ). Untuk bagian tubuh lain yg tidak gelap, kulitnya makin merona dan terlihat sehat. 

Untuk bekas2 gigitan nyamuk yg baru jg jadi gampang memudar dan lama2 ga kliatan loh. Klo untuk bekas yg lama ,mgkn klo rutin lagi pakainya busa memudar jg. Nanti ak update laginyah untuk case bekas luka gini. 

Di foto before after ini aku bandingin tangan aku dan adek aku. Kulit adekku lebih cerah dibandingkan wrna kulit ku di foto beforenya. Setelah 3 minggu aku ambil foto lagi untuk afternya, bisa dilihatkan wrna kulitku menjadi lebih terang. Bahkan terlihat lebih cerah dari tangan adek aku. 

Seneng bgt setelah lihat hasilnya ini, perlu ak info sekali lagi ya jadi produk2 Scarlett Whitening ini bukan yang instant gitu hasilnya. Jadi kalo dipakai rutin bisa kelihatan hasilnyanya dan permanen. Untuk berapa lama hasilnya bisa terlihat, kemungkinan setiap orang akan berbeda2. Di aku ini 3mingguan sudah mulai terlihat hasilnya. Dan agar lebih maksimal, usahakan untuk memakai ke 3 rangkaian body care nya ini ya. 

Gimana kalian tertarik juga mau coba body care dari Scarlett Whitening? Seluruh produk dari Scarlet Whitening dibandrol dengan harga 75k aja loh, affordable bgt kan ya. Kalau mau lebih hemat lagi ,bisa juga beli yg paket hemat berisi 5 produk dengan harga 300k ( dapat box exclusive + free gift ). Oia karena semua packaginya itu kokoh dan dikasih bubble wrap super tebal jadi ga akan kenapa2 produknya. 

Kalian ada yg sudah coba rangkaian body care ini? Share pengalaman kalian juga yah dikolom komentar. Dan produk mana nih yg jadi favoritnya kamu. 


Untuk pemesanan kalian bisa kontak lewat salah satu dibawah ini :

Whatsapp ( 087700163000 )

LINE ( @scarlett_whitening)

Dm INSTAGRAM  ( @scarlett_whitening)

SHOPEE ( Scarlet _whitening )

Friday, October 30, 2020


Where to buy great plus size clothing? Which clothing would fit best for plus size women? Probably most of you have the same questions. You are at the correct article, so keep on reading 😊

Its kind of hard to find the best plus size clothing somehow. Of course, there are some of women fashion stores are available but most of them have limited designs and come in inexpensive price. 

So today I will introduce a cheap clothing online store that you should definitely know: Wholesale7. A bunch of women fashion are available there with adorable and pretty affordable price. 

I will focus on the plus size bodycon dress for this post. The bodycon dresses are best choice to show off your beautiful silhouette, whether you are thin or plus size, this kind of dress will make you look amazing. Choose a color that is noticeable or pattern fabric, and finish it with an elegant styling by pairing it with best accessories. You can also wear a blazer on a dress. And for the accessories, I suggest to focus on face accessories to enhance your whole appearance: earrings or necklace would be perfect. 

So this time, let's check out the items that I chose from the wholesale plus size clothing for recommendation. All of the items I choose here are super cheap and have great quality. 

Off-shoulder bodycon dress with cute floral pattern will let your charm out instantly. The frill part on the sleeves give your look an elegant impression. Wear big earring and heels to complete your look. 

This dress will fit you like a glove! It has pretty leopard pattern and will give you fabulous look. You will got a lot of compliments when you wore it.

This kind of dress is suitable for various occasions from casual to formal style. You can wear it for party, work and hanging out with friends. For elegant look, pair it with best accessories and heels. 

This year the most popular accessory is simple layers chain necklace. You can become a trendy face just by putting it on. It is easy to match with any fashion and it is also a nice point to use as boosting item of your confident.

Wear pearl earrings that add cuteness and elegance. Especially white pearls are recommended because they emphasize femininity. If you go out with such an accessory that elegantly directs your face, it should be an even more wonderful look.

What do you think? They look so amazing and pretty affordable right. Find your best clothing there, and good new for USA customers, Wholesale7 will be free shipping whitin 10/28-10/30, 11/20-11/12, and 11/27-11/29 . So dont miss out !!

Thursday, October 22, 2020


Nowadays not only plus size women who wear shapewear to cover their imperfection, I realize that tiny women also wear them to hide their tummy tuck or while working out. Beside, shapewears also works perfectly for many occasion not just for hide your belly, waist or thighs, it also works for postpartum and weight loss as well.

The main point is that shapewear makes your waist look smaller, flatten belly and definitely you can wear it with your favorite jeans or dress. But somehow we are thrilled with the shapewear quality material and the design. 

So here I would like to introduce you to an online fashion shop which offers wholesale shapewear and others women fashions with affordable price and great quality, its HexinFashion.

Shapewear for women help compress on tummy,waist and thighs firmly. It also provides breast support and butt lifting, which give you an instant hour glass look. It is easy to put on/off and comfortable to wear everyday. Here are some of best shapewears I would recommend to all of you from HexinFashion.

This full body shapewear will help ttighten your stomach and it makes your body shape beautiful and instant slimmer look. It sucks you in and takes away all back and side fat. It’s so comfortable and it can be worn all day without feeling any pain.

This shapewear will let your charm out as it gives slimmer effect amazingly. It compress your belly, abdomen and waist firmly. It really fits you well and looks almost completely seamless under clothing. It features crotless for convenient use at the restroom. The lace parts are also designed greatly so it wont roll up or down easily. 

This shapewear is targeted firm tummy control to emphasize your natural curves. It's something to shape your bulges and compress your tummy and waist to give you an hourglass shape instantly. You will have great shape and feel amazing in it. 

The waist trainer belt features a front zipper keeps a tight fit around your waist to achieve the long-lasting waist-cinching. Its also designed with 3 adjustable velcro that you can set freely as you needed. Fits perfectly, with the great material so its very comfortable for any activities or working out at the gym. 

If you are looking for shapewear which can give you perfect compression on your butt, hips and tighs this is for you. The neoprene material will make you sweat alot which will help you losing weigh through 

Tuesday, October 6, 2020


MaskerAide Sweet Retreat Set is the cutest mini sheet mask I've ever tried. This is such a fun and easy way to put on a mask. This Sweet Retreat Set is consist of 12 mini masks which you can put on desired area of face and body where need extra care. ⁣

This is 𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒅𝒓𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒅𝒖𝒍𝒍 𝒔𝒌𝒊𝒏 as it 𝒉𝒚𝒅𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒌𝒊𝒏 as well as 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒔𝒌𝒊𝒏'𝒔 𝒎𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒔. It also 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒑𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒌𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒐𝒏𝒆 for routine usage.⁣

Main Ingredients

🍮 𝑪𝒐𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒖𝒕 𝑭𝒓𝒖𝒊𝒕 𝑬𝒙𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕⁣

🍮 𝑭𝒊𝒈 : rich of vit A and C ,help in hydrating and even the skin tone⁣

🍮 𝑨𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒆 : anti aging⁣

🍮 𝒏𝒐 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒃𝒆𝒏, 𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒔𝒉 𝒅𝒚𝒆𝒅, 𝒑𝒊𝒈𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍 𝒐𝒊𝒍𝒔⁣

I really fond of cute packaging, so how can I not love this cute mask XD. The illustration of the cover is looked so adorable and delightful. 

This consist of 12 mini masks with different design of sweets. Maccaron, cookies , strawberry shortcake and cupcakes shapes are such a feast for our eyes. Look so cute and yummy, because it has delicious scent like cookie. 

The texture of the sheet is quiet unique and its stick nicecle on the skin. The mask set contains 30ml of essence which means its rich of serum inside. Its clear and has thick watery texture and leave sticky feeling. The remaining serum can be applied on other body part to hydrate our skin. 

How to Use 

1. Cleans the skin and dry thoroughly

2. Peel off individual mini masks

3. Apply the masks on to face and body which need extra care , leave on for 15-20 minutes

4. Remove mini masks and massage the excess serum into skin


I love how it makes my skin moist and hidrated instantly. My dull and dry complexion change into that glows radiantly. What I really love about this mask is that it has such a delightful scent, it smell really nice like cookies. It also contains alot of serum, which I can use the excess serum to my face and body. ⁣

Usualy I only put 4 or 5 masks and the rest I keep in the fridge so I can use the next day. I put them on my cheeks area which have large pore problem and also other part like forehead and nose as I usualy feel dry the most. 

Overall, this is such cute mask that worth to try if you like to hydrate and moisturize your skin, the cute packaging is a plus anw :D



Name of the Product:

MaskerAide - Sweet Retreat Set

Where to Buy:



USD 3.50 / IDR 53.000

#SweetRetreatSET #maskeraide #CHARIS #hicharis

Sunday, September 6, 2020


Tummy tuck is one of the biggest problem for every woman. Fortunately now we can hide it instantly by wearing perfect women body shaper for sucking up all of tummy tuck / fat. Women sometimes have difficulty finding shape wear that will fit well. You will pleasantly surprise at the variety of styles and the sizes of cheap shapewear you can try on. 

Nowadays many online wholesale waist trainer can be found easily. It provides all size shapewear up to plus size. Waist trainers are good item to hide the lower belly fat through firm compression on your stomach. 

Here I will introduce feelingirldress.com which is an online shape wear stores, they sells various kind of shapewear in affordable price and ofc in great quality. These are some of shape wears I would recommend for you from this store. 

This shape wear is specially designed for evening dresses and wedding dresses. It features rubber bone on the side of the waist to prevent curling. It is amazing body shaper as it will reduce your waist and lifts your butt instantly. This also gives great fit and looks flawless under dresses. 

This would be a great shapewear to emphasize your natural curves. It will reduce your waist, tummy and thights so you will get an hourglass shape body instantly. You will love how comfy this shape wear for daily wear or under your favorite dress. It also has crotless design for easy bathroom use. 

This high-waist shaper targets your waist and thigh to trim your waist and compress your legs perfectly. This waist trainer promotes sweat so it can help you with weight loss. It has comfortable, stretchy and lightweight material which is why it will pretty comfy for daily wear or gym activities.