Saturday, October 13, 2018


Yeah, finally the last product from TESTERKOREA Beauty Tester program is up. Im so excited to share this product to all of you. Anw this is the most fav item of all, since this product give great impression to me since the first usage.  

This is A: T Fox Tea Toc Water Cream, this is a gel based moisturizing cream and sleeping mask specially formulated with green tea extract to supply moisture deep into the skin and provide long lasting hydration. I do really feel the good effect after using this, no wonder that this product has a good reputation in Korea.

Product : A;T Fox Tea Toc Water Cream 
Brand : A;T Fox
Country of Origin : South Korea 
Price : 18,000 / $ 16.44 ( buy here
( temporary unavailable at Testerkorea, but we can still purchase this product by using request item service )


The box packaging is designed with green tea illustration, which represent the name of the product.  It comes in a small thick clear plastic tube, the white cap has simple green tea design on it. It has separated cap inside along with the spatula to scoop out the product.

The gel type cream is thick and lil bit watery. It absorbs well and  quickly on my face. I usually apply the gel directly on my face with the spatula, since it becomes watery after contact with the warm temperature / our body heat.


It gives many great effect on me, even after the first using I can feel and see the effect on me. It contains many good ingredients that good for our skin.

The main ingredients is Green Tea Leaf Extract which supplies hydrating and moisturizing to our skin.  I also can smell the fresh green tea scent from the gel cream. It means that this product also contains fragrance, but the scent doesn't bother at all.

The Licorice Root Extract is very good for acne-fighting and and brightening effect. It can help treating from acne problem ( pimples, white head and black head ). It also help to brighten our skin too.  For all of you who are looking for product to help lighten your skin, it will be a good choice. I already felt the brighten effect on me since the first usage.

Centela Asiatica Extract promotes wound healing, this is the other effect that I really love from this product. My freshly popped pimple dried completely the next day after applying this product. It can help repairing and regenerating our skin.

The Butylene and Glycerin help powerfully moisturizing our skin and hydrating our skin all the day which is good for dry skin type.
It also contains Cammelia Leaf Extract and Allontoline which sooth and give skin protection to our skin, its good for oily skin type. The other good ingredient is Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract which soothes and alleviates sensitive reaction, this is good for sensitive skin type. My redness is getting less visible after using this crea,.

Anw this really brightens and  moisturizes my skin but doesn't help much with my white heads and pore problems. Probably because this product is more concern in moisturizing the skin. Also the wound healing is no kidding, it dries my new pimples and leaves no scars.


We can use it  as a day care and a sleeping mask. Usually I apply this thinly as the last step of my day skincare routine. It keeps my skin hydrate all the day, I got many compliments since using this product that my skin looks better and moist even when without makeup.

At night, I use this as sleeping mask. I put generous amount as I use this for sleeping mask. My skin feel so moist and hydrate the next day when waking up haha. I can feel that my skin's condition get better and brighter ,seems like as if when I used skincare cream from beauty clinic XD

Love :

# Moisturising and Hydrating
# Lighten the skin
# wound healing
# fresh green tea scent
# spatula
# good for any skin type

Hate :

# doesn't help much with pore and white head.

You can get this product at Testerkorea, their customer services are friendly and fast respond, beside they will give various cosmetics samples on any orders. And the most important thing is their shipping fee. The shipping fee is calculated based on the product volume, and I think Testerkorea is more affordable compare to other site.

They also has request item service, which we can buy any product that is not available at Testerkorea website by requesting and give the link of product to them. And I found this really helpful since not many shopping sites have this kind of service

Here are the link for another products review : 

See yaa on my next post ^^


  1. fajne produkty :D zapraszam

  2. Ini review yg aku tunggu-tunggu.
    Ada centella ya, duh maju mundur deh. Aku sam centella ini agak parno karena pernah pake brand sebelah dengan kandungan centella dan muka langsung super kering. Jadi, kalo ada centella jadi agak malesan.

    1. Iya mngkn krn kndungan centella nya jerwat bisa lngsung kring dan kempes

  3. Love that it comes with an applicator!

  4. Oh that really great post! Thanks :D

  5. keren jerawatnya bisa kempes gitu. teksturnya kayak aloe vera soothing gel ya. #kbbvmember

  6. Baru lagi nih. Kalau bentuknya kaya gel gitu jadi penasaran! #KBBVmember

  7. baru denger yang namanya water cream. teksturnya mirip aloe vera gel ya.. kayaknya bagus buat kulit oily dan gampang berjerawat kaya aku #kbbvmember

    1. Iya mirip, cocok buat smua kulit kayaknya produk ini ^^

  8. tekstur yang gel gel begini hatiku luluh, hahah kayaknya nyaman banget di kulit cooling gitu #KBBVMember Carnellin

  9. Aku baru tau brand dan produknya beb. Tapi kalau melihat before afternya, cukup menggiurkan ya. #kbbvmember

    1. Ak uda lama tau brand ini cm baru kali ini bisa nyobain salah satu produknya ^^

  10. ku suka ama packaging nya.. and produk nya works well ya di kulit kamu.. #kbbvmember

    1. Iya, cocok di aku ^^ -ak jg suka packagingnya

  11. wah, ini menarik, penasaran pengen coba jadinya. Btw aku paling seneng sama produk yang ada spatulanya :) #kbbvmember

  12. Desain kemasannya bagus ya~ Teksturnya sekilas kelihatan mirip aloe vera ya? Efeknya boleh juga tuh sampai bisa ngempesin jerawat �� #kbbvmember

  13. Aku fokus ma kemasannya yang keliatan calm. Ini karena baca dr tab struggling banget tulisannya kecil2 gimana gitu. #kbbvmember

  14. Aku fokus ma kemasannya yang keliatan calm. Ini karena baca dr tab struggling banget tulisannya kecil2 gimana gitu. #kbbvmember

  15. waaw bagus ya jerawatmu langsung kempez, aku jadi penasaran pengen nyoba jg #kbbvmember

  16. Ini teksturnya mirip kayak gel mask nya etude. Cuma lupa namanya


  17. Semacam Aloe Vera Gel ya, tapi brand ini aku baru tau dr kamu loh.. Jerawat kempes tandanya produk ini ok di kamu #kbbvmember

  18. Penasaran ihhh pengen coba juga, warnanya bikin keliatan seger banget yaaa! :D

  19. wiiiih bisa dicoba nih buat ngilangin bekas jerawat juga kali yaaa
    ada beberapa acne scars nih soalnya

  20. Centella Asiatica dan Green Tea Extract ini emang oke banget ya beb buat soothing kulit. Perubahannya kelihatan banget itu beb di foto before-after-nya. Ah, penasaran deh pengen cobain juga.

  21. kandungan centella ini lagi hits banget ya di Korea, aku sempet penasaran sih karena katanya emang sebagus ini :)

  22. wah ada centellanya ya beb, biasanya aku cocok nih kalo ada kandungan centellanya, jadi pengen nyobain juga deh, btw ini packagingnya cute ya beb

  23. water cream, it means water based form? it looks like aloe vera gel, right?

  24. asik banget nih langsung hasilnya nutupin pori, ngempesin jerawat dan ngasi efek blur ya, trus kayaknya unik banget gitu teksturnya kalau kena kulit lgsg meleleh

  25. Efek bunga chamelia akan membuat sensasi tersendiri saat memakai produk. Dan ini berhasil menyamakan , duh senangnya

  26. Jujur aja, aku suka liat produk ini di Althea tapi gak jadi melulu mau checkout karena takut gak bagus.. Sekarang jadi pengen lagi deh ��

  27. Waah aku suka liat produk ini, tapi gak jadi beli karena takut kurang bagus.. Eh setelah mampir kesini kok menarik yaahh jd pengen punya juga deh XD

  28. Wah ini cocok buat anakku yg sulung nih kulitnya berminyak dan kadang suka muncul jerawat yg cukup mengganggu..

  29. Looks like a great product to try. Tea tree is one versatile active ingredient that will benefit our skin

  30. Abis baca blogpost ini, aku langsung otomatis pakai masker.
    Aku suka banget pakai masker yang bikin adem dan wanginya ga mengganggu.

  31. ya ampun, kemarin pas ngabuburit aku sempet ragu nih mau beli ini, diliat-liat, dibaca-baca ingredient dan fungsinya apa. Tetep masih ragu. Kenapa pas baca review kamu jadi tertarik ya

  32. Uniek KaswargantiMay 31, 2019 at 9:22 AM

    Kayaknya seger banget nih ya efeknya karena water based gini. Cucok direkomendasiin untuk keponakanku yang pernah mengeluh radang di jerawatnya. Pake ini pasti ntar cepet kering jerawatnya.

  33. Hebat banget maskernya bisa menjinakka jerawat, ini penting hehehe. Suka gemes kalo ada jerawat deh.

  34. Packagingnya gemes banget ya simple dan cantik, dan bakalan bagus banget nih buat menghempas jerawat juga. Suka! ^^

  35. Kalau saya produk yang ada green tea-nya gini menarik buat dicoba apalagi kelebihannya lebih banyak ketimbang minusnya.


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