Tuesday, June 2, 2020


Hi everyone? hope you are great and stay safe during covid19. Always manage a healthy lifestyle, keep clean and consume vitamins. As we always stay at home more and do nothing during the quarantine time, we spend more on eating and drinking πŸ˜‚. My sister and friends said that they gain more weight during this quarantine, me as well actually. No wonder if we get more loose fat on our tummy. 

That isnt a big problem anyway for us as we always feel grateful about what we already have and live a happy life :) so today I'd like to recommend a great online shop, Loverbeauty.com where you can find many kind of body shape-wear with good quality and affordable price. 

For my sister who has loose fat after giving birth I would like to recommend some of tummy control bodysuit. The shape wear bodysuits are become simple way when it comes to wearing them for multiple purposes and gives us instant slimmer appearance.
All of the shape wear bodysuits at Loverbeauty.com are designed with best and comfortable material. It comes in multi color and suits all the body shape and size. It doesn't take much time in wearing and taking off, we can dress up within minutes.


There are also available best tummy control panties there. This high waist shaper shorts targeted tummy compression to shape where we want to shape. They made with strong stretchy fabric which will be comfortable and lightweight to wear every day. 
Go check their website to find your favorite and get up to 60% off summer sale. They ship worldwide and offer free shipping on order over 80$. Also you can get extra 30% off on order over 300$.


See yaa on my next post ^^ ~



  1. aku salfok sama bodynya hahaaa bagus2 semua, bagian pantatnya apalagi hahahaa bikin iriii :(

    1. Sama cii πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ body nya bgus2 nih model nya

  2. waa kece ya ini beb, jadi pengen punya juga nih, kalo pake dress yang press body jadinya bagus banget ya hihihi

  3. iya bener nih bodynya bagus semuanya.. btw ini bisa buat ngebentuk body juga

  4. Ini sih post partum mom must have item! Biar perut bergelambirnya terkontrol πŸ˜‚

    1. Kwkwkkw iya ci, tummy control πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  5. What an amazing product. And I guess it really work in shaping our body. I must try it

  6. Cocok banget nih buatku yang emang perutnya gelambir. Kan pengen juga punya perut enak dilihat. Kayaknya harus coba beli nih.

  7. Aku sejauh ini suka maju mundur beli bodysuit karena takut beneran gamuat bgt, aky punya bentuk tubuh plus size gt tp lebih ke perutnya sih nah kadang kl liat doang tkt dtgnya gasesuai. Aku penasaran sama tokonya ini mau cobain cr tau produknya ah soalnya nemu tg plus sizenya juganih hihi

    1. Iya beb, jd baiknya sblum beli bodyshaper gini harus dilihat dulu bahannya , dn size nya cari yg fit all size atau over size jg

  8. Ini bisa deh di keep infonya kali aja beberapa tahun kedepan aku menggendut..

  9. Kebetulan Kakak aku lagi nyari rekomendasi produk bodysuit yang bagus kayaknya ini wajib aku rekomendasiin ke dia deh hehe

  10. Aku pas abis lahiran pernah beli body suit. Tapi karena gerah pas dipakenya, jadi jarang-jarang make. Jadi gak ngefek deeh...padahal kalo rutin mah yaa, bodynya bisa kaya modelnya tuuuh...((hehhee...mimpi dulu ini, ceritanya))

    1. Hehe, mgkn next time klo mau beli body shaper cek bahannya mba, cari yg nyaman dipake

  11. duh jadi pengen beli body suitnya..


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