If you followed my instagram, I often share cute and pretty nails' post at my instagram story. I love following nailart account and share my favorite on my story. I do really love cute nails,and sometimes think that I would learn and take lesson about nail arts someday haha.
Anyway today Im going to share an online nails manufacturer Stylesnails.com . They offer wide range of nail polish, nail gel and fake nails. They have professional team of designers who design the pretty nails. They come in a good quality and competitive prices by using the latest nails making technology.
Nowdays, nail gel polish is popular among women. But not only polish our nails, we also love decoraing our nails. There are many ways to decorate our nails (manicure and pedicure ) and make them look adorable. The most easiest and simplest way to make our nail pretty is by using nail stickers. We can apply the nail stickers by ourselves at home haha. no need to go to the nail salons XD.
Nowdays, nail gel polish is popular among women. But not only polish our nails, we also love decoraing our nails. There are many ways to decorate our nails (manicure and pedicure ) and make them look adorable. The most easiest and simplest way to make our nail pretty is by using nail stickers. We can apply the nail stickers by ourselves at home haha. no need to go to the nail salons XD.
The other way, we can use glitters, dust powder, dried flower or 3D rhinestones to decorate our nails. For me dried flower is the most cutest and prettiest way to decorate our nails. If we wanna look fancy we can use 3D rhinestones.
Anw we can find others manicures and pedicures supplies at StylesNails.com , its the lasrgest and cheapest nails product wholesalers. Get 15 % off by using code: FALL15 .

See yaa ~~ on my next post ^^

Hi! Wonderful nails, thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI hope you´ll visit my blog soon. Have a nice day!
ih lucu banget kukunya <3 kamu pakai yang sticker apa yg fake nail put? tahan berapa lama? aku pengen pake ginian tapi takut nggak awet soalnya :( maklum di bawa nguli hahahaa
ReplyDeleteOmggg so damn cute beb!!! Jadi ngiler. Jadi pengen banget.. semoga bisa tahan lama di tangan mama2 kyk aq.
ReplyDeleteSo cute banget ini mba. Aku pengen myobain ah. Tapi kayaknya pilih yang kalem aja :)
ReplyDeleteomejiii aku butuh banget nih pernak pernik nail art gini, kebetulan lagi seneng banget sama yang namanya nail art, jadi pengen beli juga hehehe
ReplyDeleteGemes2 semua Nail art-nya ya, looks so cute and pretty. So far aku cuma pakai kuteks aja kalau mau bikin kuku cantik dan kayaknya seru nih sesekali cobain pakai nail art gini :D
ReplyDeleteAku lagi demen ama nail art gini soalnya cantik banget hehe yang seri GD-041 itu cantik dan soft warnanya. Girly banget kesannya
ReplyDeleteduuuh suka banget sama nail art nya mba, akutu dari dulu pengen bisa nail art an gini tapi sayangnya kukuku tak seindah ala-ala model gini
ReplyDeleteKece2 banget motif dan warnanya ya mbak, bikin kuku kita cakep gitu. Iiih, mupeng deh buat pakai juga pas acara2. Pasti makin pede deh
ReplyDeleteKuku palsunya cantik2 ya. Cuma kalo di aku ntah kenala sering bgt jadi copot. Jd amat sangat jarang beli kuku palsj
ReplyDeletePengen banget buat nge-nail art kuku sendiri tapi ada daya di aku selalu gampang rusak huhu
ReplyDeleteAih gemesin ini, anakku kalau liat pasti suka deh sama ini, unyu - unyu sekali. Sayang sekali kalau saya ga bisa pakai kukupalsu huhu.
ReplyDeleteCute bangett designnya . Aku sendiri suka banget nail art kuku karna kalau kosong tuh kek hidup yang tanpa tujuan bebh . Gak berwarna.
ReplyDeleteini nih yg bikin kuku cantik gak pakai lama. saya sering bayangkan gimana yaa artis bikin kuku secantik itu pasti lama. sekarang udah tahu jawabnya... nail art kece ini salah satunya
ReplyDeletePengen deh sekali-kali pakai nail art kaya gini. Tapi ku ga telaten euy, 30 menit rasanya udah copotan deh huhuhu.
ReplyDeletegemes banget liat design kukunya kak, jadi bisa gonta ganti style yaa. cantik semuanya, lucu kawaii
ReplyDeleteAhhh truly gorgeous! Definitely love it..
ReplyDeleteThey're truly gorgeous! Love them..