Wednesday, November 8, 2017


Hellooo,, I'm being active recently hahah, 3 posts for last month XD I wish I can stay like this each month. Well, today I wanna share another skincare review, yeap its a face scrub. As you know that I'm a fan of Emina Cosmetics, a local brand in Indonesia. Some of their products are good and really catch my heart. From their skincare products, I have tried the face scrub, face mask, face wash and sun screen. But today I'm going to review their face scrub, my favorite among of all.

Hello kali ini ak mau review skincare lg ^^~. Beberapa produk lokal yg aku punya dan favorit bgt kebnyakan dari Emina Cosmetics. Bnyk produknya emina yg emang bagus dan bikin jatuh cinta sih ya. Kalo dari produk skincare Emina, aku udah coba face scrub, face mask, face wash dan sunscreen nya. Dan yg jadi favoritku itu Apricot Face Scrubnya, yg mau ak review kali ini. 

Actually, I always avoid using face scrub product since my face is pretty sensitive. But when the Beauty Assistant, offered me to try and persuade me that the scrub is really great and smell good. I got into their trap hahah but I didn't regret at all. This face scrub is amazing and I love this so much XD Read the full review if you wanna know why do I adore this so much.

Karena wajahku yg super sensitif, sebenernya aku paling ga mau dan ngehindari bgt pake masker scrub kayak gini.Tapi pas mampir konter Emina mbak mbak BA nya nyaranin scrub ini karanena katanya bagus dan wanginya enak bgt. Yauda lah masuk keperangkap mbak BA nya kkwk, tp g nyesel kok >3<)/// Aku cocok dan suka bgt pake scrub ini. 

It comes in a tube plastic with flip top packaging. The design is very simple but adorable. It is very easy to squeeze the tube to make the scrub out. With 60ml product, its enough to be used for 5~6 months maybe because we only use this twice a week.

Bentuk packagingnya tube kayak facial foam gitu, designnya emina bgt simple tapi eye catching gitu. Tube nya jg empuk dan gampang di pencet buat ngluarin scrubnya. Isinya 60ml, dan menurutku ini lumayan bnyak dan bisa dipake 5~6 buln karena makenya jg 2x seminggu.

The main ingredients are the apricot seed and Olive Oil. They will give us a moist and natural exfoliation to remove dead skin cells and impurities. When we read the ingredients content, we can find that this mask contain paraben.

Bahan utama masker ini tuh biji aprikot dan olive oil. Fungsinya memberi kelembaban dan mengangkat sel sel kulit mati. Pas aku baca ingredientnya, paling bawah sendiri masker ini  ada kandungan parabennya.

The scrub's texture is thick cream, and contain brown and rough scrub maybe they're apricot seeds, at first Im afraid that it will really hurt when I do scrubbing. One of my friend said that the scrub is too big and hurt so much TT,TT. But when tried this it only hurt at the beginning, after that I didnt feel hurt at all.
Teksturnya cream padat dan ada scrub berwarna coklat dan kasar, kayaknya itu biji apricot. Awalnya takut klo bakalan sakit pas scrubbing. soalnya ada tmen yg bilang sakit bgt scrubmya, eh tp pas aku pake g terlalu sakit. Awalnya doang sakit tapi habis itu g kerasa apa- apa. Masih sakitan kalo chatnya g dibales sama gebetan kok XD ehh

It has pretty nice scent, umm apricot scent maybe since this is Apricot Jam face scrub. But its sweet like candy scent. Though I haven't opened the cap, the scent has already been smelled. I really love the smell, so that I enjoy scrubbing.

Dan yang paling aku suka bgt dari scrub ini tuh baunya. G tau yah aku g pernah keganggu klo ada produk entah makeup ato skincare yang ada bau baunya gini. Kecuali klo baunya agak kayak obat ato herbal gitu ak g suka XD.  Baunya apaya yah kayak permen buah gitu, manis enak , bahkan belum buka tubenya aja baunya udah kecium. Enaa bgt pokonya baunya bikin betah pas scrubbing.

I just need small amount for my face, spread evenly on all of my face. Then I massage gently, leave it for 15 minutes. You can read or watching video on youtube while waiting like I usually do haha. After 15 minutes, rinse with lukewarm water.

Aku cuma butuh dikit aja sih buat scrubbing dimuka secukupnya aja, boleh jg diratain sampe leher. Ratain dimuka trus dipijat pijat memutar gitu, diemin smpe 15 menit lebih jg boleh. Biasanya sambil nunggu aku tinggal streamingan youtube atau blogwalking. Kalo udah 15 menit, dibilas pake air anget.

It feel really soft and bouncy directly when I rinsed it. >3<)// omg. I really love it, I can see the result since the first usage. And the soft feeling last for all the day, make me wanna touch my cheeks all the time haha.

Sumpah, lembut bgt rasanya muka aku XD kwkw baru dibasuh air uda kerasa lembut sama kenyal gitu. Pas baru pertama pake dulu jg lngsung kerasa lembutnya. Sensasi lmbutnya jg masih kerasa seharian loh, kumel deh pipinya aku pegangin mulu hahah.

I feel my face cleaner and softer after using this. Since it product claims to give a moist and natural exfoliation. It reduce my white heads a little bit, but don't give brightening effect. I think its just enough if it can clean and make my face smooth. The important thing is that this scrub does it job and doesnt break my face out. yippiy XD

Habis pake masker ini emg kliatan lebih bersih dan lebut bgt mukaku. Karena emg produk ini fungsinya melembutkan dan ngangkat sel sel kulit mati. Dan kayaknya emg komedo aku agak berkurang sedikit , dan ini ga ada efek nyerahin yah. karena emg produk ini ga ngeklaim untuk nyerahin muka. Dan yang paling penting produk ini bener bener bekerja dan ga bikin break out muka ku.


image make my face softer and cleaner
image nice scent
image affordable price
image no breakout


image paraben

Repurchased?definitely yes.


See yaa~~~ on my next post ^^~


  1. produk emina memang ekonomis gak terlalu sakit di dompet :D aku juga tertarik unutuk coba face scrubnya, thanks sudah kasih review...

  2. Interesting product:) great review:)

  3. Hello dear,
    This scrub look really great :) I ddn't know this brand before :)

  4. kulitku sensitif dan agak tipis, bisa pake scrub gak ya? :(

    1. sama muka q jg sensitif dan tipis. tp ak cocok.pake scrub ini krna g trlalu kasar scrubnya ^^~

  5. Wah menarik nih buat dicoba, termasuk yang doyan scrub juga buat ngurangin komedo, sayangnya aku masih jarang ketemu produk emina di daerahku :'

    1. iya agak susah dpt produknya emina, sering oos jg dicounternya. TT.TT

  6. No wonder you look so smooth and flawless. I have so much love for apricot scrubs too! This is quite similar with the brand, St. Ives! :)

    Anyway, have you heard about Rosegal's ongoing promos and discounts for the whole month of November? If not, you may want to check it out now! ♥ Their promo starts tomorrow, 11/11!

    Hear from you soon!

    Love, Airish
    Gorgeous Glance

    1. thank you ^^ really? almost similar with st.ives? apricot scrub is nice ^^

  7. The packaging is so cute. Glad you're being active recently. :) I love apricot but haven't tried any apricot face product yet.

    Joy to the World

    1. thank you ^^ I;ll be more active in the future ^^

  8. my skin is not that great, i think i need to try this. Also, i the packaging is so lovely! :) Just saying hello all the way from Southeast Asia! :) I hope you can drop by my blog too and follow if you like. Have a wonderful day dear!

    xoxo, rae

    1. thank you, u need to try apricot scrub product ^^ will visit ur blog back ^^

  9. So awesome that you found a product that you love!

  10. It seems great!!!

    Sara Meireles

  11. Aku juga lagi pake ini dan emang enak banget. Muka jadi bersih dan lembut setelah pake. Tapi, aku ga suka sama baunya. Menurutku kaya
    bau obat πŸ˜…πŸ˜„

    1. iyaa bneran bikin lembut yahh ^^ tp ak malah suka bgt baunya

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  13. This looks like a great scrub, I like that it's apricot scented too. You look pretty dear!

  14. fix beli ini.. haha. kebanyakan yang lagi booming face scrub dariluar.. sampe aku lupa emina punya produk sekece ini.. haha

    1. dicoba kak ayaaa, ini bgus walopun lokal XD hehe


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