Friday, July 19, 2019


Matching outfits are common thing that couples always wear. Mostly couple shirts, shoes or accessories. I've ever worn all of these couple things with my ex bfore, umm its kind of silly for some people but for me it is like a special tag " he is mine/ she is mine " haha. I always feel a bunch of happiness everytime wear couple things. But there is one thing that I've never had as couple thing, which is a " couple ring " I tot that I need to have more serious relationship if I have to wear this couple jewelry. What do you think about this? 

So here today, for all of you who love to wear matching jewelry with ur beloved bf/gf, I'd love to introduce GETNAMENECKLACE.COM is a jewelry manufacturer that offers fashionable, trendy and gorgeous personlized jewelry. Their products come in a good quality and competitive pricing by using the latesst jewelry making technology and professional team designers.

The most common jewelry that couple usually wear is couple ring. Usually couple only buy couple ring with the same design, but thats too boring and too ordinary. I would prefer personalized couple name ring, find some inspiration name ring here . When it comes in jewelry , I used to be really simple. So I would recommend some couple rings that have simple design and few gemstones as I want the "name ring " become the attention here.

This rose gold name ring surprisingly looks so amazing. I always admire rosegold things , its my current favorite at the moment. When it comes in my dark skin tone, I think rose gold is most suitable for me. With this simple design, it can be worn both men and women.

When the commitment getting more deeper, boyfriend can give their girlfriend with couple jewelry that women will always cherish and with how stunning and gorgeous design. Try this Customized Heart CZ Ring Sterling Silver , which has unique and modern design.

This diamond ring shape is sure can capture women's hearts with its beauty and it fits to wear for everday wear.

Another very commonly worn is couple necklace or bracelet. Engraved innitial or necklace with name, has many pretty design. Thats what will make the necklace/bracelet become more precious and meaningful. Make sure to choose the font that fit with our personality. So it can be worn everyday.

What do you thing about couple jewelry? comment down below about ur opinion. Would love to talk about it with you ^^. Anw go chect their website for more various design personalized jewelry, the offer worldwide free shipping with minimal order btw :D


See yaaa~~ on my next post ^^ 



  1. naksir sama gelangnya :) soalnya kalau cincin takut ga muat karena ga semua cincin bisa di adjust

  2. Cantik banget semua nya. Tp aku paling suka model cincin nya. Btw untuk warn rose gold jg bikin tmbh cantik desain nya.

    1. Bner beb. Rose gold itu kesaanya bkin tmbh cantik

  3. How lovely! It's really very cute!

  4. Duuh model cincinnya cantik banget dan hiasannya juga simple banget
    Bikin penampilan jadi lebih menawan kalo pake ini

  5. aaa lucu banget beeeb, ini bisa ukir nama sendiri ya berati, aku suka banget sama yang engraved bar ring deh beb, kece nih dipakenyaa, pengen jugaaa <3

  6. Aku tuh dari dulu kepengen banget punya gelang atau kalau yang ada namaku. Biasanya hanya inisial nama saja, boleh juga nih jadi ide hadiah nanti pas anniversary.

  7. Lucuuu dan bagus ini mbaa. Kayaknya pengen yang bisa buat suami dan istri deh. Hihiii. Makasih rekomendasinya ya mbaa

    1. Iya g cm couple ring. Couple bracelet jg bisa

  8. mau punya gelang couple dengan suami. tapi dia sosok yg pemalu dan ogah pakai aksesoris, kan kalo pakai bakal jd sorotan, pusat perhatian orang2 gitu

  9. These are really beautiful ideas! Great to share with someone special.

    1. Yea. The engraved jewelry is such a great idea to wear to be more iconic

  10. Terasa banget ya sentuhan personalnya kalau pakai nama begitu. Aku pengen juga tapi cukup inisial aja sih di cincin. Kalau kalung bolehlah pakai nama

    1. Klo nama ato inisal aja sih tergantung masing2 org ya mba hehe tp klo cincin emg simple nya cm inisal

  11. Untuk ring yang buat nama sendiri alias custom itu menurutku unik aja, pengen bikin ring dengan tulisan nama blog hihi

  12. Rasanya pengen kirim blog post nya ka Tori k wasap suami nih. Pengen yg cincin bentuk love itu lho cute banget

  13. Wow kece nih perhiasannya bisa dikasih nama pemiliknya ya. Aku suka disain cincinnya yang putih itu.

  14. Dari dulu kepengennan punya perhiasan ada inisial nama sendiri, tapi belum punya juga sampe sekadang beb hahaha

  15. Kalau mpo suka yang simple dengan warna emas bukan warna putih.

    Terlihat Ada status dan bangga ketika Kita saking memakai. Eitt jangan ambil suami gue ya, tuh lihat sudah punya cincin di jari nya. (Bahasa betawi begitu)

    1. Nah bner kayak jadi hak milik klo ada namanya kwkwk

  16. I love the idea of jewelry designed for couples. The rose gold bar ring was my fave and I think my chap would like it too.

  17. Cincin emas mawarnya bikin mupeng aja nih mbak. Menarik jg ya kalau dibuat couple-an sama suami. Dan kalau dibuat ada namanya, keren juga ya.

  18. Cincin yang paling atas aku suka deh desainnya. Yang ada tulisan Elizabeth. Dan saya lebih cocok kalau warnanya putih. Andai punya hihii

  19. Duh kak, aku jadi pengen punya juga ini
    Desainnya keren nggak pasaran, pengen punya satu yang warna putih dengan namaku
    Sempurna banget ini.

  20. Lucu juga ga design matching ringnya itu. Bisa dikasih nama lagi. Bisa pilih juga kan ya Mba mau emas putih atau kuning?

  21. amazing! really look beautyfull :)
    kisses from Poland :*

  22. Great products dear :)
    Have a nice day!
    Kisses ;*

  23. Que bonitas fotos! Feliz dΓ­a! πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

  24. aku jadi pingin bikin juga :)) gelangnya sih cakep

  25. These are really cute and I love the matching bracelets.


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