Last month I didnt purchase many cosmetics. I need to stop buying things that maybe I dont use daily or I just adore for their packaging only ㅠ.ㅠ but that sound hard for meh to do haha.
Bulan kemarin, aku batasi buat g belanja terlalu bnyk kosmetik. Boros bgt yah kalo cuma beli barang karna packagingya yg lucu ato barang yg limited edition ㅠㅠ huhu tp susah bgt buat ngerem nya haha.
So, this February Haul only few items that I got. There are 4 items that I purchased from Testerkorea and the others I got from sponsored.
Jadi februari kemarin cuma beli beberapa kosmetik aja. Beberapa ak beli di Testerkorea dan beberapa dpr dari sponsor/ giveaway. Sebenernya ada bbrp produk dr Emina jg cuma ak g masukin ke post ini krna ini khusus Korean makeup haha.
Bulan kemarin, aku batasi buat g belanja terlalu bnyk kosmetik. Boros bgt yah kalo cuma beli barang karna packagingya yg lucu ato barang yg limited edition ㅠㅠ huhu tp susah bgt buat ngerem nya haha.
So, this February Haul only few items that I got. There are 4 items that I purchased from Testerkorea and the others I got from sponsored.
Jadi februari kemarin cuma beli beberapa kosmetik aja. Beberapa ak beli di Testerkorea dan beberapa dpr dari sponsor/ giveaway. Sebenernya ada bbrp produk dr Emina jg cuma ak g masukin ke post ini krna ini khusus Korean makeup haha.
Testerkorea Haul
I only bought 4 items that I really want, haha and fortunately they also come in cute packaging so I dont think I waste my money for useless items haha.
Cuma beli 4 item aja, soalnya klo g keburu beli takut sold out lagi haha.Untungnya item yg aku beli ini kebetulan lucu lucu jg smua XD. Jadi g merasa bersalah beli nya soalnya bakalan dipake sih smuanya.
Holika Holika LAZY & JOY Cupcake Eyeshadow #Red Velvet ( Gudetama Edition ) ₩12,000
Finally I can get this quad eyeshadow from Holika Holika X Gudetama. The red velvet shade is the most favorite and always out of stock . So when they restock it, I buy it before they sold out again.
Ini nih yg paling ak pngen bgt punya. Kayaknya shade Red velvet ini yg paling populer soalnya sering bgt sold out di Testerkorea. Jadi pas kemarin restock ak buru buru masukin ke keranjang belanja sblm sold out lg haha.
Holika Holika LAZY & JOY Egg Bun Puff ( Gudetama Edition ) ₩2,800
I dont have blender puff before, Im excited to try it. Since it also quiet adorable and affordable, I need to get this haha.
G pernah pake beauty blender sblmnya, trus pas nyoba pny adek kok kepengen pnya jg haha XD gmpang bgt kena racun. Pas Holika holika kolaborasi sama Gudetama kebetulan ada puff blender , harganya jg murah. Ga ada salahnya buat beli, smg bagus puffnya.
G pernah pake beauty blender sblmnya, trus pas nyoba pny adek kok kepengen pnya jg haha XD gmpang bgt kena racun. Pas Holika holika kolaborasi sama Gudetama kebetulan ada puff blender , harganya jg murah. Ga ada salahnya buat beli, smg bagus puffnya.
Peripera Peri's Ink Velvet #New Bubble Pink ( Peripera X Power Puff Girls ) ₩10,670
Another most wanted collaboration last month is Peripera X Power Puff Girls. It always sold out stock in Testerkorea. Then I make a request item to Testerkorea to purchase the velvet ink. This is the newest shade from Velvet ink shades.
Salah satu kolaborasi yg banyak diminati, peripera X power puff girls. Semua item nya langsung sold out smua di Testerkorea ㅠㅠ. Jadi ak harus pake request item buat dapet lip ink ini. Ak pilih yang shade New Bubble pink, karena ini shade terbaru dari seri Ink Velvet. Ak uda pny Ink Velvet yg Dollish beige rose, ak suka bgt makanya ak pngen bgt coba yg ini jg haha.
Salah satu kolaborasi yg banyak diminati, peripera X power puff girls. Semua item nya langsung sold out smua di Testerkorea ㅠㅠ. Jadi ak harus pake request item buat dapet lip ink ini. Ak pilih yang shade New Bubble pink, karena ini shade terbaru dari seri Ink Velvet. Ak uda pny Ink Velvet yg Dollish beige rose, ak suka bgt makanya ak pngen bgt coba yg ini jg haha.
Laneige BB Cushion Whitening ( Lucky Chouette Edition ) ₩20,300
Bought this coz it was 50% sale on Laneige official site. Well, I cant ressist to not buy this haha. But I was a little bit disappointed when my order arrived. Testerkorea only sent me the refill 😠😠 awwffff.. So I emailed the customer service to explain it, why I only got the refill instead of the bb cushion set. After a long wait, finally they replied and apologize for what happend to me. They offer 2 solutions for me, to make refund or sending my missing item along with my future order. I choose option 2, coz I really wanna try the cushion.
So well Im going to make another order this month.
Ga sengaja pas kepoin Testerkorea ada Laneige BB Whitening Cushion Lucky Chouette edition yg lagi sale 50% XD Langung deh kalap masukin keranjang haha. Tapi pas kemarin dateng barangnya agak sebel marah emosii jg kwkwkw XD Langsung ak complain ke CS nya TK. Soalnya ak cuma dpt refill cushionnya doang yg harusnya ak dpt cushion set + refill. Lama bgt dpt balesannya, pas uda dibales merka minta maaf kalo mereka ngelakuin kesalahan buat masukin orderan ku. Ak dikasih 2 option, surug refund ato ngirim barang ku sekalian ntar pas ak order lg di TK. Ak sih pilih option 2 , soalnya ak pngen coba cushionya Laneige lagian jg pas harga sale haha .g mau rugi dong. ㅠㅠ bulan ini jadi harus order lg di TK ㅠㅠ.
Another items are sponsored products.
Item lainnya aku dapt dari spnsor dan giveaway.
Yadah Quick Tattoo Brow Gel #Deep Brown
I got this from BBCosmetics for reviewing purpose. I already made a review for this item (click here ). This is such a good and very convenient brow item for me.
BBcosmetic ngirim brow tatto ini buat direview. Ak udah review produk ini, bisa di lihat di post sebelumnya yah hehe. Ak suka bgt sma brow gel ini, klo penasaran baca full reviewnya aja deh.
13Month Skinship Steam Cushion
I got this from 0.8L Indonesia. Finally, Im so lucky to get a chance winning their giveaway haha. Since its really hard to win it. The review of the cushion is already on my draft, will post it soon ^^~
Yeyy akhirnya menang giveawanya 0.8L Indonesia XD. susah bgt buat kepilih jd pemenang giveawanya. Kebetulan ak kepilih untuk ngereview 13Month Skinship steam Cushion. Reviewnya uda ada di draft , ntar ak posting secepatnya haha.
Thats all of my haul last month. How about yours? Share with me on the comment box bellow ^^.
Uda itu aja haul bulan Februari kemarin. Kalau haul kamu apa aja?? bisa kok dishare di komen ato tinggalin link blog km buat ak kunjungi ^^ )//.
See yaa~~~~ on my next post ^^~
waah... sama! aku juga pos haul bulan feb. tester korea aku terlalu banyak karena di althea juga masih ada promo yg bs dipake hahaha..
ReplyDeleteak pngen blnja di althea jg 😂😂
DeleteToo cute to use!!
ReplyDeleteI do agree 😭😭
DeleteThis is the first time I've heard of 13products brand. I really love the packaging, it's so cute! Anyway, I also love Peripera Lip Tints, I didn't know they had a collab with powerpuffs. It's so adorable and perfff for the child at heart!
ReplyDeleteI love your haul, it's filled with very cute items~!
- Gretch of GG Memochou
I tagged you in my latest post, by the way. I hope that's alright :)
DeleteMe too. I already know tht 13month had launched their cosmetics line ^^.I always love peripera tooo. ah the powerpuff is really adoreable.
Deletethanks for tagging me dear ^^~
I'm cryingggg they sent you the refill only without the cushion, how can such mistake be done? xD Also, I've yet to win anything from 0.8L, haha so hard~
ReplyDeleteieyra h. | latest post: Cetaphil Moisturising Cream Review
yeahhh it made me upset . it happend to me twice ㅠㅠ.
Deleteyou r right .its so damn hard to win from 0.8L ㅠㅠ haha
Omg! Korean skincare and beauty products were to die for!!! ♥ The steam cushion looks promising. I'd love to try that!! :) Following your blog now! It's nice to always visit a fellow Asian's blog. Btw, if you're looking for dresses you may check out this link: Hope to hear from you soon! x
ReplyDeleteLove, Airish
Gorgeous Glance
thanksfully the steam cushion really work well on me. haha
Deletefollowed u back dear ^^~
I love gudetama! how's the eyeshadow? is it pigmented?
I havent tried the eyeshadow haha. Too cute to use them haha
DeleteOh very cute items darling! I really love it the Gudetama products
ReplyDeletethanks dear ^^~
DeleteDuuuhhh Gudetama sama Powerpuff Girls-nya terlalu menggoda untuk dibeli ><
ReplyDeleteAku udah lama banget nih ngga beli online soalnya kagak ada dananya *loh* *kok curcol*
haha menggoda bgt ^^
Deletehaha gpp g onlen dulu .hematt yahh.
All of them are so cute!!!
ReplyDeletejadi pengen coba eyeshadow nya O_O
eyeshadownya kepincut gr2 packaging awalnya tp kayaknya kualitasnya jg bgus hehe
DeleteWah aku pengen banget beli produk2 ini, tapi entah sekarang agak males sama produk korea karena maybe kulitku g seputih orang korea jadi ngga cocok ;___;
ak cnderung ke pakagingnya korean makeup yg lucu2 ㅠㅠ g tahann
DeleteOch, perfect! :)
ReplyDeletethanks ^^~
ReplyDeleteI am the same.....I buy thinks, which I don't necessary need, but this is why we are women!!!!
yeah hi five 😂😂😂
DeleteKalo enggak dicegah yah gw pun lempeng ajah masupin benda lucu enggak kepake di web korea XD
ReplyDeleteahh korean make up-nya menggoda semua kak..
ReplyDeletecetakan buat bikin alis nya rekomen biar gak butuh lama hehe..