Sunday, September 1, 2019

[ REVIEW ] : BENTON PHA Peeling Toner ( Honest Review )

Benton PHA Peeling Toner is the newest product from Benton Cosmetics. After trying the Benton PHA Peeling Gel, now finally I can try the Benton PHA Peeling Toner. ☺️



This toner contains 3% of third generation PHA and Natural Moisturizing Factor ( Sodium PCA, Hyaluronic Acid,  and Chrysanthemum extract ). All the ingredients are efficiently helps to exfoliate without burden even for sensitive skin ( clear and remove dead cell, sebum ). And give moisturization at same time.

PHA is a mild exfoliator ingredients compare with AHA and PHA which can help smoothing and even our skin tone. Beside the Natural Moisturizing Factor ingredients keep our skin to stay moist and hydrate. The toner is also free fragrance, coloring, alcohol and other harmful ingredients. .



The packaging comes in a pump plastic bottle, and the same design with the Benton PHA Peeling Gel. The pump is very convenient so we can take out the product easily. And of course its safer to bring this toner on a trip. It contains 150ml of product, which can last for more months as the usage recommendation is 2-3 times a week.


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The texture of the toner is lightweight and water-like. It absorbs quickly into my skin. Doesnt leave any sticky feeling and doesnt make my skin become oily. Though its water-like texture it does give moisture and hydrates my dry skin well.

Recommended for the following skin types:
πŸ‘ Rough and dull skin
πŸ‘ Sensitive skin
πŸ‘ Enlarge pores

How to use :
1. Wet a cotton pads with the toner ( 3-4 pumps )
2 . Wipes all around the face, avoiding eyes and mouth area
3. Use 2-3 times a week

Been using this toner about 2 week . Im using this 2-3 times a week along with my skincare routines. Recently my skin gets dull and dryer on the nose area and acnes appears on some areas.( I dont use whitening skincare at the moment ).

Since using this toner , I feel tht my skin is getting brighter ( even without makeup my face doesnt look dull at all ☺️☺️ ) and more hydrate especially on the nose area. Pores are getting less visible as well.

The other good thing is that this help to sooth and calm my acne and redness. So far ,I havent found bad side effect after using this toner, will update more in a complete review on my blog soon.
Im glad that my skin get better and better each day



image / image



Product Name: 
Benton PHA Peeling Toner

will update the price after it launched on the web


This toner was sent by @bentoncosmetic for review purpose. And this is an honest review depends on my own experience


  1. Aku udah pakai benton bha tonernya 2 botol dan rasanya excited banget kalau sekarang udah ada pha nya dong :) Semoga pha ini cepetan masuk indo deh biar segera cicip hihi

  2. Good that your skin is brighter :)

  3. Ternyata bagus juga yaa BENTON PHA Peeling Toner ini bikin wajah keliatan lebih plumy dan pori-pori wajah juga tersamarkan

  4. aku pengen toner ini :( kok bagus ya huhuhuuu nyesel ga daftar, ternyata bagus hahahaa semoga di jual di sociolla ya biar bisa beli

  5. Wah jd penasaran deh.. produk produk dr benton tuh emang selaku bikin kepo soal nya bnyak bgt yg suka dan ada progress nya

  6. Wah ini nih toner yang bikin penasaran. Udah merk nya benton, kandungannya PHA pula. Pengen banget nyobain. Ternyata hasilnya bagus banget yah, bikin keliatan tambah glowing juga


  7. gemes banget yah packagingnyaa.. aku belum pernah coba produk apapun dari Benton, kayaknya yang ini bisa aku coba, soalnya kulitku sensitiif :""

  8. Aku sempat kira dia yang bikin aku breakout tapi ternyata karena aku lagi haid haha :")

    1. Past lg test kayaknya harus pas ga wktunya haid ya hahah ak jg suka jerawatn klo pas haid

  9. Benton cakep yaa..
    Toner yang bisa bikin kulit nyaman meskipun sedang gak dalam kondisi terbaik.

  10. Aku pecinta toner Benton, ini pun lagi pakai yang BHA. Penasaran juga sama PHA ini, resultnya oke bisa bikin wajah cerah. Harus coba nih ��

  11. Gemes bgt dong warna baby blue gini beph, harganya coming soon ya ditunggu deh hhi

  12. Wah, kelihatan ya bedanya. Asalnya tadinya berminyak banget jadi berkurang. Aku kayaknya kurang cocok deh. Kulitku keriiing

  13. aku juga menggunakan beberapa produk Benton di rumah, alhamdulillah selalu cocok sama Benton ini. Tapi toner yang ini aku belum coba, nanti deh kalau toner yang di rumah habis kita beli yang ini.

  14. Yes indeed! Your skin definitely look more brighter and moist. btw ini gapapa kan ya kalo digunakan sama jenis kulit yang kering?

    1. Boleh emg rekomen buat kulit kering sama sensitif klo pha itu mba .

  15. Feeling tonernya nyegerin bgt ini kyknya Mbasay.. jd makin kinclong n sger gt liatnya Mba . Coba aq ceki2 lg

    1. Iya krn bisa bersihin dead skin jg bnerin skin tone yg ga rata . Hehe

  16. Peeling toner? apaan lagi ini haha, banyak ya varian toner tuh dari hydrate sampe peeling toner semuanya lengkap, kalau aku tonernya pake yang benton ijo itu loh, lupa detail nya hehe. Lumayan cocok sih.

  17. ini mild juga ya kaya yg aloe veranya? aku suka banget sama yg aloenya itu. soalnya halus dan ga perih wkw

  18. Aku belum pernah menggunakan produk ini loh jadi penasaran juga pengen menggunakan produk ini

  19. Afternya lumayan yaa keliatan mencerahkan. Bisa buat kulit sensitif juga ya, wah aku kayaknya mesti cobain nih �� sejauh ini aku suka sama produknya benton karena mild ��

  20. The results are very positive Love it xoxo Cris

  21. Oh i really like the luminous effect that this toner provides! thanks for share this great review with us


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