Jumiso Yes, I Am Toner AHA 5 % is nother Jumiso product that I use for my skincare routine recent days.
This is a light exfoliate toner which helps our skin having clean pore and crystal-like skin tone with an enviable smooth and elastic skin texture. It takes care of dead skin cells to make our skin smooth and pure.
This is a light exfoliate toner which helps our skin having clean pore and crystal-like skin tone with an enviable smooth and elastic skin texture. It takes care of dead skin cells to make our skin smooth and pure.

I comes in a thick bottle with screw cap packaging. It contains 150ml of product and quiet sturdy to bring for traveling. The hole in the caps is not that big, so we can control the amount of toner into the cotton pad.
This toner contains 3 main ingredients:
π AHA : improving exfoliating effect and maintaining moisture in the skin. As it only 5% portion, I think it will be safe for daily toner.
π Panthenol and Lemon Myrtle : help to boost the skin water-oil balance and recovery the skin troubles.
π Scutellaria Baicalensis Root extract :
effective to help our skin has full of shiny tone.
πAll ingredients are alcohol-free
This toner is safe for all skin type.
πAll ingredients are alcohol-free
This toner is safe for all skin type.

It has watery-like texture. Its very light and absorb well into the skin. Doesnt leave greasy feeling onto the skin. This is a good thing tot its light and watery but it moisturize directly onto the skin.
One thing tht I dont really like about this toner
is the smell. It has strong basil scent that comes from Scutellaria
Baicalensis Root extract imo. But fortunately it disappear after
applying the toner.
How to Use:
π After Cleansing , put right amount of the toner into cotton pad
π Gently wipes all over the face
π Gently wipes all over the face
Beside tht, after wipes all over my face, I use
this as mask by soaking the toner into cotton pad. Then place the cotton
pad on my cheeks , forehead, and chin. Then leave it till the cotton
pad dry. The toner will be more absorb well into the skin.

From the first usage, Im really surprise how this
toner moisturizes directly and leave my skin cleaner and smoother. After
leave the cotton pads as mask for few minutes I find that my pores have
shrunk and less visible.
As usual, when I wanna know the skincare will work well on me or not, I use the product as single skincare for night skincare. Im so happy that the next morning when I wake up my skin still looks moist, brighter and healthy looking.
As usual, when I wanna know the skincare will work well on me or not, I use the product as single skincare for night skincare. Im so happy that the next morning when I wake up my skin still looks moist, brighter and healthy looking.


Brand :
Product Name :
Jumiso Yes, I Am Toner AHA 5 %
Where to Buy :

aku juga suka banget sama toner ini put, lebih mild daripada avoskin ternyata di aku :) skrg jadi fav aku
ReplyDeleteBaru tau loh sama toner ini, mau nyoba juga ah siapa tau aku cocok pake toner ini, toner yg lama sudah mau abiz dan pengen nyoba yg baru
ReplyDeleteAku baru ngeh dengan merk dan produk ini.. okee ya toner yang satu ini
ReplyDeleteWahh efeknya keren banget toner ini ! Aku baru dengar dan belum pernah cobain sih
ReplyDeleteAku baru dengar merk ini mba. Dingin ngga mba Toner nya?
ReplyDeleteTampilan kemasan toner ini lucu ya beb. Aku belom pernah nyobain produk dari brand ini. Masuk ke wish list selanjutnya kayaknya bakalan :p
ReplyDeleteWow hasilnya terpampang nyata yah. Kayaknya seger banget nih pake toner ini. Aku biasa pake kalo lagi mau maskeran aja hehe
ReplyDeletekayaknya patut dicoba nih, kebetulan tonerku abis. lagi banyak diskon juga ya di style korean, lumayan nih bisa belanja hemat :D
ReplyDeleteCute banget ya kemasannya. Lihat hasilnya, kujadi kepengen nyoba. Ceki-ceki aaah... nanti abis invoice cair :D
ReplyDeleteWah ratingnya bintang 4 jd lumayan ya mbak. Saya jg kalau pakai toner gak mau nyampur, biasanya saya coba satu2 dulu sih biar keliatan hasilnya gmn di kulit hehe
ReplyDeleteAda aroma yang agak kuat ya dari basilnya? Tapi gapapa kan ya abis itu udah menguap begitu kering? Pengin nyobain nih toner Jumiso ini, mau juga kulit yang halus dan lembut kalau rajin pake toner dengan AHA 5% ini.
ReplyDeleteLook so amazing!
Sejujurnya, aku belum pakai toner. Karena kalau pagi sudah rada hectic, jadi step toner ini sering aku skip.
Jadi pengin coba produk Jumiso setelah kemarin baca-baca review serum vit. C nya.
wow nice...is the best articel..
ReplyDeletejumiso memang sangat nyaman ketika digunakan