Time flies so fast, November almost ends and ready welcoming for December XD. This is what we all women waiting for all this year , yeah Christmast Sale , End Year Sale and many more kind of sales :P. It's time to refresh your wardrobe!!
So now Im going to make my early Christmas wishlist from Dresslily.com .Dresslily is an international online fashion clothing and accessories store.They are focusing on the very latest in fashion styles with affordable prices. Dresslily prepares the best high-quality but low-prices product for you, make you free under all occasion for Monday to Friday.
Here are the new arrival: Christmas dress , I pick some of my favorites from this collection.
Thats all of my wishlist, if you are urious with other items just visi their website right now. They offer worldwide free shipping on order over 45$.
Use code:DLBF20 with 20% OFF:
Over 10usd, save 2usd; Over 20usd, save 4usd; Over 30usd, save 6usd; Over 40usd ,save 8usd; Over 50usd, save 10usd; Over 60usd, save 12usd; Over 70usd, save 14usd; Over 80usd, save 16usd; Over 90usd, save 18usd; Over 100usd, save 20usd;Over 110usd, save 22usd; Over 120usd, save 24usd; Over 130usd, save 26usd; Over 140usd, save 28usd
Over 10usd, save 2usd; Over 20usd, save 4usd; Over 30usd, save 6usd; Over 40usd ,save 8usd; Over 50usd, save 10usd; Over 60usd, save 12usd; Over 70usd, save 14usd; Over 80usd, save 16usd; Over 90usd, save 18usd; Over 100usd, save 20usd;Over 110usd, save 22usd; Over 120usd, save 24usd; Over 130usd, save 26usd; Over 140usd, save 28usd

See yaaaa on my next post ^^

These are perfect now that Christmas is coming!
Lucu2 ya koleksi fashionnya. Aku jadi ikut naksir tuh sama tasnya
ReplyDeleteInilah yang akan membuat kecerian menyambut natal dan para tamu tiba. Baju keren, ngetrend dan stylish.
ReplyDeletewaa ga kerasa ya beb bentar lagi xmas niiih, perasan baru kemaren hehehe, btw ini aku naksir banget ih sama tasnya deh beb, naksir juga sama sweater yang warna mustard juga nih
ReplyDeleteiyayah udah diujung tahun lagi dan mau natalan juga biasanya kantor sepi karena teman2 yg merayakan udah cuti sampe tahun baru :)
ReplyDeleteSuka banget liat cardigan rajut nya, kayaknya hangat banget ya dan emang cocok dipakai di musim dingin.
ReplyDeleteWahh bisa nih buat referensi baju akhir tahun nih.. pas banget masuk musim hujan ya.
ReplyDeleteKenapa ini gemes gemes banget koleksi baju sama tasnyaa, bikin pengen khilaf kaann ����
ReplyDeleteKenapa semuanya unyu sih beb, aku mau yang ada gambar Deernya tapi kira2 yang warna Hijau ada ga ya
ReplyDeleteOhh andaikan aku tinggal di daerah yang sejuk dan adem biar bisa pake sweater deer nya tuh gemesin banget kepengen deh make itu ditemenin hot chocolate terus diluar liat salju