Hello guys , if you follow me on instagram @torichux3 , you must be already seen my video about goodies that I got from blog collaboration with my blogger friend Christin from www.tomandzy.com . Alot of people are excited and curious about the collab that I did. So actually we decided to do collab for supporting each other as we already been friend for long time as blogger. We havent met in real anw XD haha but she is such a cute and sweet friend I ever met. She lives in Korea but sometimes she goes back to Indonesia, hope we have chance to meet someday.
So I got some skincare, makeup and stationary from her, for exchange I sent her some snacks. Coz she said she love to eat so much XD ( how cute she is ^^ )

Mostly , the brands are new for me XD it makes me more excited to try them. I got some eyes skincare products as well, which I really curious and wanna try it soon after receiving the package. She know me so well that I craved for eyes product as I dont have any eye cream. ( I only have some samples to try before XD )
Im so excited to try them as their main ingredient is honey which is good for our skin keep moist and strengthen the skin barrier.
I ever wanted to purchase this at testerkorea, but cancelled it coz still not sure if they were good or not XD So I was glad when she sent these product in the package :D
I already knew this brand is exist XD there are so many Korean beauty brands I dont know XD . I haven't had a tube hand cream before, usually I bought the one with has cute packaging haha. It has a unique scent I've never smell before for a hand cream product.
She sent me some mask sheets also, i love to wear mask sheets recently as my weekend skincare routine. Never tried mask sheet from Nature Republic anw XD
She gave me some It's Skin skincare samples as well btw.

Everything that she sent is so cute. Im so happy that I got the It's skin Baby Face blusher XD , this is my most favorite item.
Im in love with It's Skin Babyface collection since long time ago, as it has pretty adorable packaging haha. I even dont realize that this collection is still in stock. Tot Im rarely wearing blusher would love to bring this in my travel pouch coz its super cute ^^. And the Tint gloss is super cute as well, its very travel friendly since it is super mini size.
Haven't heard about this brand also, but it has unique and pretty packaging. The lipstick case is pretty cute and just look like a toy. The shade is also pretty and my fav color, havent tried this yet. Hope the the product will suit well on me.
I havent had a shadow stick before, it will be my first experience to use stick shadow type. I havent tried this shadow yet as well, Im searching for about this product at their web, and found out that it has pretty shade and shimmery type. It can be used as highlighter too.

I got stationary supplies in Korean Tradition design theme. Im quiet surprise to get some stationary in the package XD as I ever mentioned on my instagram that I wanna start to write bullet journal. yeah I would love to use this for my bujo XD ( hasnt started my bujo yet anw XD ). I got a T-shirt also, it has cute design and perfectly fit on me ^^

Have u ever done blog/ instagram collaboration with your fellow blogger? Does it seem fun to have collaboration with friend? write your experience or thought about it in the comment bellow ^^


Those are lookin so good, have a lovely weekend ☺
ReplyDeletethank you, have a nice weekend ^^
DeleteHow cute are these!! It's so nice that you guys have such a sweet relationship
yeah Im glad about this ^^
DeleteIt's really interesting products! Thanks for the wonderful review!
thank you ^^
DeleteWow, you got so many Korean beauty stuffs, so cute <3
ReplyDeletehope I can read the review of some of them , yay !
will make some review of them ^^ stay tuned
DeleteCan't take my eyes from the photos! There are sooo cute �� By the way i haven't heard about this kind of exchange, sounds great!
ReplyDeletethank you beb ^^
DeleteCollaboration? I have just written some guest posts about internet marketing for my fellow bloggers and those posts drove traffic for my blog as well. :)
ReplyDeleteI do really wanna have collab with ur blog XD but I dunno much about internet marketing hahha
Deletemau ikutan collab begini tapi malu karena inggrisnya ngepas, hahahaa gimana donk :( padahal kalai kolab begini pasti seru ya
Deleteci winda bikin collab sndri breng tmn blogger, ini ak jg gitu kok, jadi ga ikut grub / komunitas gitu XD
Deletewhat a big gift you've got. I believe she is really cute indeed. Because she has a sweet teeth aka loves snacks likes me hihihi..
ReplyDeleteyeah she is such a sweet friend
DeleteWow, you got so many gifts and they are so cute! You must be have so many blogger friends overseas.
ReplyDeletethank you, hahah not that so many XD
DeleteEstupenda tu entrada! Espero verte pronto por mi blog! Feliz fin de semana precios@! ♥️♥️♥️
Deletefoto-foto kamu gemas sekali hasilnya beb, kamu punya bakat dalam flatlay deh kayaknya..
ReplyDeletethank you beb
DeleteJadi pengen iutan kolaborasi juga deh. Bagusw ya produknya, tapi saya blm pernah sih nyobain
ReplyDeletecoba bkin collab sama teman sesama blogger mbak hehe
DeleteThese are really nice
thank you
DeleteSkin care sample-nya imut-imut dan menggemaskan nih. Hehhee. Kalau kolaborasi seperti ini jadi makin semangat ya mba
ReplyDeleteiya bikin semangat ngeblog hehe
DeleteProduknya banyak banget ya, seru banget ya bisa collab bareng begini ya, makin Semangat dong karena saling support begini
ReplyDeleteiya bikin semangat hehe
DeleteWooowww, banyak bangetttt yang kamu dapet yaa beb...
ReplyDeleteBtw seru banget bisa saling support gini.
iya seru beb hehe
Deleteseru ya swap begini, semuanya lucu2 hehehee ayok nge-bujo juga, walau aku bujo nya ga sekeren yang lain wkwkwk tp bujo tu sukses bikin aku lebih teratur :)
ReplyDeletekkwkwk blum ada semnagt buat nge bujo ci XD masih males malesan hahah
ReplyDeletePenting banget pakai eye cream.
Aku baru sadar beberapa hari ini, kantung mataku uda ga sebaik dulu.
iya eye cream itu jg skincare penting buat kita hehe
Deleteya ampun ini lucu-lucu banget, sayang kalau dipake, hahaha
ReplyDeletetapi emang yah packaging produk2 korea itu emang super gemas deh, bikin kalap kalau belanja, penasaran sama handcreamnya itu wangi bunga apa ???
wangi nya ga biasa mba hahah susah di deskripsiin haha
DeleteWow! Such lovely products! I love them all!
thank you ^^
DeleteShe is such a great friend and your way of exchanging gifts is so beautiful. All of products looks very nice and I love pastel colors of packing.
ReplyDeleteNew Post - http://www.exclusivebeautydiary.com/2019/06/favorite-summer-lipsticks_15.html
yeah she is ^^, and all the products are really cute, love them so much ^^
DeleteWhat a great idea and I must say she sent you some great stuff, wow. Great post and love your photos.
ReplyDeleteAllie of
thank you, yeah everything is really great ^^
DeleteOh wow, these all look so great! I haven't heard of a lot of these brands but will need to look into them. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeletexo, Maria
thank you ^^
DeleteThis would be so fun to do with a friend. So many great presents.
yeah its so fun ^^
DeleteOmo this is such a cute collab! and The things u got is way so cute!
yeah, thanks babe ^^
DeleteHonestly i never heard about those brands before. But after i read all, i would love to try them.
ReplyDeleteyeah im so excited to try them as well
DeleteAku pengen cobain sheetmasknya kayaknya menarik habisnya packagingnya gemesh banget essencenya banyak gak?
ReplyDeleteak blum coba jg nih sheet mask nya haha
DeleteLucu2 banget yah packagingnyaa, khas dari korea banget.. btw penasaran sama swatch blush nya 😆
ReplyDeletenanti ak review blusher nya haha
DeleteAaak lucu lucu sekali, stationarynya apalagi gemaaash, jadi pengen ke korea *lho
ReplyDeletekwkwkw ajakin aku kalo ke korea beb haha
DeleteWoowww banyak banget yah isi goodies nya... penasaran sama sheetmask & sample2nya.. skincare korea slalu bikin penasaran deh
ReplyDeletepecinta sheet mask ya? haha
DeleteWaaww, skincare Korea emang lagi menjamur dimana2... Packagingnya cute2 banget sih..
ReplyDeleteiya kbnykn pekijingnya lucu lucu
DeleteYa ampunn gemasshh sekaliii dann seruuu yaaaa ..
ReplyDeleteNemuu racunn terbaruuu niii .
iya seru hehe
DeleteTodo es precioso! Feliz fin de semana bonit@! ♥️♥️♥️
ReplyDeleteBabyface blushernya gemesin bgt deh, smuanya pengen kubeli
ReplyDeletehihi lucuu bgt, beli deh ^^
DeletePingin banget nih cobain handcreamnya dan apieunya jugaaa . Cute" packagingnya
ReplyDeletesama , ak paling penasaran jg sma hand cream nya
DeleteOh very cute items darling~ Thanks for share with us
yeah they are really cute
Deletethank you ^^
ReplyDeleteinsteresting banget nih isi boxnya, isinya banyak dan ga cuma skincare aja karena ada kaos juga ya brb
ReplyDeleteLook like a great collaboration you have here! I love doing swap as well and it’s fun to have all those cute stuff
ReplyDeleteYeaayy collab, next sama siapa lagi bebh? Yang aku tau baru brand pretti, nature republic, dan it’s skin 10 ku malah beli yang full size nya, bagus serum nya bebh
ReplyDeleteAku pernah pakai Serumnya Pretti itu beb.. enakeun deh di wajah... bikin glowing gitu. trus beberapa produk yang kamu share di atas ada yang belum pernah kucoba huhuhu
ReplyDeletegimana sih kaak caranya exchange kayak gini? kayaknya seru deh hihi jadi pengen cobain juga.. BTW produknya lucu2 deh aku belum pernah coba semuanyaa
ReplyDeleteAkutuu yaa always suka mantengin ig kamu karna kalo aplod beauty product gemes gemes bgt. Beauty product yg kamu punya tuh packagingnya lucu lucu trus km flatlay nya juga cakeeep
ReplyDeleteOmg.. they are so cute! Especially the stationery. I always use cute stuff like this for make a bullet journal. I love bujo-ing so much. Thanks for sharing babe��
ReplyDeleteKa Tori selalu cakeeeep kalo soal sharing ler beauty-an gini. Seneng banget dapet goodies yg isiannya ampuls, sheet mask dan ya ampun itu stationery nya pada lucu-lucu amat siiii
ReplyDeleteSelalu suka mampir ke blog kamu beb, foto fotonya lucu lucu pisan soalnyaa, terus emang barang barang makeup dan skincre km juga pavkagingnya gemays gemays hihi
ReplyDeleteYa ampun lucu dan bagus banget kemasannya. skincarenya belum ada yang aku cobain . Ntat mau nyobain ah
ReplyDeleteAku pernah beberapa kali ikut collab dan seru sekali ya ikut collab kayak gini jadi menambah semangat juga bisa buat konten baru
ReplyDeleteSeru banget sih...kolab blog sama sahabat.
ReplyDeleteAku dulu juga pernah kolab, tapi sahabatku memutuskan untuk berhenti nge-blog, jadi aku ngerasa kehilangan.
Produk Korea ini bener-bener menginvasi kehidupan para biuties yaa..
Cakep-cakep banget..
Asyik ya mbak bisa ikut blog kolaborasi gitu, dapat produk yang kece-kece pula pasti banyak yang kepengen deh hehehe
ReplyDeletebanyak banget beb goodies yang dikasih sama temenmuuu, baiknyaaa dia, aku penasaran banget sama gangbly nya deh, packagingnya gemes bangetttt
ReplyDeleteAwww...banyak banget nih produk yang langsung bisa dicobain. Mana kemasannya gemaaayyyy banget yak ;) Foto-fotonya cute deh, sukaaakkk...
ReplyDeletestikernya lucu-lucu amaaaat ih gemes ekwk
ReplyDeletebtw skincare yg pretti kayaknya di althea udah ada beberapa item yang dijual deh
Waah banyak banget make up dan skin carenga. Bingung ga sih mau bahas mulai dari mana?
ReplyDeleteitu yang hand creamnya lucuk banget sik ya, aku punya merk lain warna ungu tapi yang kuning itu kok gemesin banget
ReplyDeleteWahhh saya baru dengar nih ada skincare merek ini. Jadi penasaran pengen coba juga deh