Sunday, July 17, 2016


Setelah mereview Suncreen Zoya Cosmetics kemarin ( link here ), sekarang ak mau review ultimate eyeliner dan eyebrow pencilnya ^^. Ak penasaran bgt pas dapat produk ini, berharap mereka cocok di ak haha. dan yah hasilnya cukup memuaskan .. suka ^^


Packagingnya hampir sma dengan kebanyakan eyeliner pensil lainnya. hanya saja ini berwarna putih, ak pikir ini dulu white eyeliner haha. Ultimate eyeliner ini bentuknya seperti crayon ( automatic eyeliner) jadi penggunangannya tinggal diputar untuk ngeluarin produknya. Sayangnyanya g ada rautan buat eyeliner ini T.T yah jadi kalo uda tumpul agak susah ngrautnya krna kecil produknya dan harus dgn rautan khusus automatic liner.

Untuk isinya lumayan banyak, ini ak puter sampe mentok dan panjangnya hampir 4-5cm. Jadi agak lama habisnya yah :P. 

Pas dipake eyeliner ini beneran soft banget XD sukaaa jadi g nyakitin mataku yang sensitif. karena pengalaman pake 2 merk yg lain linernya keras dan bikin mata q lecet setelah bbrp kali pake. Gampang baget dipake dan bikin garisnya.

Sayangnya liner ini agak kurang smudgeproof. Suka nempel dikelopak mata atas pas pake eyeliner ini. tapi g parah bgt kok, yang penting jgn ngusrek2 makata keras2 aja haha :P Jadi biasnya ak pake eyeliner ini di waterline. Dan untungnya eyeliner ini cukup longlast yah kurang lebih bisa tahan 5-7 jam.

Price: Rp 43.000


image soft bgt
image warnanya item bgt
image gampang dipake buat pemula

image Hate:

image g smudgeproof 


Eyebrow pencilnya ak dapat yg black dan brown sekaligus. bentuknya mirip pensil, ya namanyanya jg eyebrow pencil haha. warnanya orange brown dengan tutup bening. Dan lagi lagi g ada rautan bawaannya , yah emang biasanya eyebrow pencil g ada rautan bawaannya sih, so never mind :P masih bisa diraut pake rautan pensil biasa haha

Pensilnya jg lembut bget pas dipake. Untuk warna brown warnanya agak dark brown, cocok buat alis sehari hari. Kalo yang warna hitam jg beneran hitam warnanya tapi masih terlihat natural asal makenya g terlalu tebal. Gampang banget pake eyebrow pensil ini, bisa ngebentuk alis sesuka hati. haha

Hasilnya jg natural bgt, cocok buat pemula yg lg belajar ngalis XD ak sendiri jg belum bisa bikin alis yg bgus sih. Tp ini benerean ngebantu bgt buat mbentuk alis sesuka kita ^^ eyebrow pensil ini juga bisa tahan sampe 5-7 jam.

image Love:

image warna natural
image pensilnya lembut

image Hate:

image none

Where to buy? 


See yaa~~~ on my next post ^^ 



Wednesday, July 13, 2016

[ WISHLIST ] Kawaii Dresses from CutieKill Store


Hi, Im rarely to make wishlist post XD so in this chance I would like to make a wishlist from CutieKill. I will make a specific wishlist, yeap Kawaii Dresses. haha yeap recently I like to wear dress everyday, nowdays, Im so in to a kawaii outfit. So I would like to share my favorite kind of dresses to you all. When visiting CutieKill , I've found so many kawaii dresses, awww such a heaven XD need them all in my life. Anyone of you also crazy about kawaii outfit? you must know what I feel when seeing them XD

So, at first I will introduce you about CutieKill first, its an online store that sell various kind of kawaii fashion based in China. Starting from kawaii dress, mori dress, bag, shoes and other kawaii accessories. They ship worldwide, so for you who dont live in Chine, can purchase from CutieKill.

Okay so now, here are some of my wishlist ^^

 Im so in love with this Kumamon dress, really want this XD, I think I should purchase this dress XD.


This strawberry transparent dress is really cute and feminine, you will get free tank top and bloomer pants when purchasing this transparent dress ^^

Another kawaii dress that I found at CutieKill. Really love the cute emoticon on that dress. I think thats a bunny face ^^. Its not only comes in pink color but also in a navy color.

Another ichigo dress? maybe ^^ nothing much to say about this dress, its just really cute to wear. ^^


This Rilakkuma strap dress is also cute, this dress is really simple but the hoodie will make this dress look cuter.

 This sailor collar dress dress is simple but cute. Its available in white and navy blue color.


Which one is more kawaii, the bunny or the bear one?? both of themmmmm XD cant choose between them two. Which one will you choose? XD haha 
What do you think about their kawaii dresses ^^ you want them all also right >////<  . So just go visiting their store, choose one of your favorite item ^^  You can use my code " TorichuX3 " to get 10% off at $30 purchasing at CutieKill.



See yaaa~~~~ on my next post ^^ 

